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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Kiwi director Christopher Dudman on his television documentary The Day that Changed My Life, which features those who survived in the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake, 22 February 2011.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch poet Jeffrey Paparoa Holman whose new collection Shaken Down 6.3 looks at the impacts and aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes. It's published by Canterbury University Press.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

National Manager Special Operations, New Zealand Fire Service, who lead the Urban Search and Rescue Teams in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. He then lead the New Zealand USAR team which travelled to Northern Japan to assist after the earthquake and tsunami there.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The National Recovery Coordinator for Red Cross Emergency Services in Australia, who has researched disaster recovery practices around the world including the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, London bombings and Sichuan earthquake. She is visiting New Zealand ahead of the first anniversary of the February earthquake in Christchurch.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The farmer swore that his fence was erected in a straingt line, but mother nature had other ideas! Aftermath of the Saturday 4 September 2010 magnitude 7.1 earthquake at the previously unknown faultline along which the quake originated.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The farmer swore that his hedge was planted in a straingt line, but mother nature had other ideas! Aftermath of the Saturday 4 September 2010 magnitude 7.1 earthquake at the previously unknown faultline along which the quake originated.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The farmer swore that his fence was erected in a straingt line, but mother nature had other ideas! Aftermath of the Saturday 4 September 2010 magnitude 7.1 earthquake at the previously unknown faultline along which the quake originated.