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Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

In the period between September 2010 and December 2011, Christchurch (New Zealand) and its surroundings were hit by a series of strong earthquakes including six significant events, all generated by local faults in proximity to the city: 4 September 2010 (Mw=7.1), 22 February 2011 (Mw=6.2), 13 June 2011 (Mw=5.3 and Mw=6.0) and 23 December 2011 (M=5.8 and (M=5.9) earthquakes. As shown in Figure 1, the causative faults of the earthquakes were very close to or within the city boundaries thus generating very strong ground motions and causing tremendous damage throughout the city. Christchurch is shown as a lighter colour area, and its Central Business District (CBD) is marked with a white square area in the figure. Note that the sequence of earthquakes started to the west of the city and then propagated to the south, south-east and east of the city through a set of separate but apparently interacting faults. Because of their strength and proximity to the city, the earthquakes caused tremendous physical damage and impacts on the people, natural and built environments of Christchurch. The 22 February 2011 earthquake was particularly devastating. The ground motions generated by this earthquake were intense and in many parts of Christchurch substantially above the ground motions used to design the buildings in Christchurch. The earthquake caused 182 fatalities, collapse of two multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings, collapse or partial collapse of many unreinforced masonry structures including the historic Christchurch Cathedral. The Central Business District (CBD) of Christchurch, which is the central heart of the city just east of Hagley Park, was practically lost with majority of its 3,000 buildings being damaged beyond repair. Widespread liquefaction in the suburbs of Christchurch, as well as rock falls and slope/cliff instabilities in the Port Hills affected tens of thousands of residential buildings and properties, and shattered the lifelines and infrastructure over approximately one third of the city area. The total economic loss caused by the 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquakes is currently estimated to be in the range between 25 and 30 billion NZ dollars (or 15% to 18% of New Zealand’s GDP). After each major earthquake, comprehensive field investigations and inspections were conducted to document the liquefaction-induced land damage, lateral spreading displacements and their impacts on buildings and infrastructure. In addition, the ground motions produced by the earthquakes were recorded by approximately 15 strong motion stations within (close to) the city boundaries providing and impressive wealth of data, records and observations of the performance of ground and various types of structures during this unusual sequence of strong local earthquakes affecting a city. This paper discusses the liquefaction in residential areas and focuses on its impacts on dwellings (residential houses) and potable water system in the Christchurch suburbs. The ground conditions of Christchurch including the depositional history of soils, their composition, age and groundwater regime are first discussed. Detailed liquefaction maps illustrating the extent and severity of liquefaction across Christchurch triggered by the sequence of earthquakes including multiple episodes of severe re-liquefaction are next presented. Characteristic liquefaction-induced damage to residential houses is then described focussing on the performance of typical house foundations in areas affected by liquefaction. Liquefaction impacts on the potable water system of Christchurch is also briefly summarized including correlation between the damage to the system, liquefaction severity, and the performance of different pipe materials. Finally, the characteristics of Christchurch liquefaction and its impacts on built environment are discussed in relation to the liquefaction-induced damage in Japan during the 11 March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The 22nd February 2011, Mw 6.3 Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand caused major damage to critical infrastructure, including the healthcare system. The Natural Hazard Platform of NZ funded a short-term project called “Hospital Functions and Services” to support the Canterbury District Health Board’s (CDHB) efforts in capturing standardized data that describe the effects of the earthquake on the Canterbury region’s main hospital system. The project utilised a survey tool originally developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) to assess the loss of function of hospitals in the Maule and Bío-Bío regions following the 27th February 2010, Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake in Chile. This paper describes the application of the JHU tool for surveying the impact of Christchurch earthquake on the CDHB Hospital System, including the system’s residual capacity to deliver emergency response and health care. A short summary of the impact of the Christchurch earthquake on other CDHB public and private hospitals is also provided. This study demonstrates that, as was observed in other earthquakes around the world, the effects of damage to non-structural building components, equipment, utility lifelines, and transportation were far more disruptive than the minor structural damage observed in buildings (FEMA 2007). Earthquake related complications with re-supply and other organizational aspects also impacted the emergency response and the healthcare facilities’ residual capacity to deliver services in the short and long terms.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Demolition continues on the old Beckenham shops after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch on the 4th September 2010. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Took this image in HDR and processed in PhotoMatix and PaintShop Pro 8. Below are two other images of the shops one soon after the earthquake and the other sever...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

mackenzie ave - this is five days after the quake - earlier photos on flickr show it developed over some time. Liquifaction - does some strange things.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the work which is being conducted in the Christchurch Red Zone in the weeks after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Members of the New Zealand Army and Civil Defence are working to secure business premises by boarding up broken windows and doors. The video also includes footage of the damage to the Fisher's Building, the Press Building, Ballies Bar, and ChristChurch Cathedral, and many buildings on High Street.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows John Key phoning Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee during his recent visit to China. Key tells Gerry he has found an architect friend in China who can design the new Christchurch Cathedral. Wider context refers to the debate over the 3 plans recently released for the Cathedral, but also refers to media debate concerning Key's involvement in instances of preferential appointments - in particular, his claim to have forgotten a phone call to his friend Ian Fletcher in which Key suggested Fletcher should apply to become director of the Government Communications Security Bureau. See Stuff, 3 April 2013. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Minister for Social Development Paula Bennett stands on a large carpet that represents the 'dole'; she has swept the detritus of 'job initiatives', 'unemployment' and 'job summit' under the carpet with a broom and says 'The benefit system is there and can sort of get as big as it needs to' Context - the Government has announced its business assistance package to Christchurch is to be watered down and then cease over the next few weeks. John Key and Paula Bennett have said that 'the dole will be there for them'. Clayton Cosgrove Labour's Canterbury Earthquake Recovery spokesperson says Prime Minister John Key and Social Development Minister Paula Bennett are cruelly missing the point in terms of Canterbury people who lose their jobs in the wake of the earthquakes. He says "They want jobs, and they want to know what the Government is going to do about ensuring Christchurch businesses can get up and running again". (Business Scoop 5 April 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Cartoons about political and social issues in New Zealand and overseas. The cartoon has the words 'Tsunami Warning cancelled' in the centre. Above are the words 'The end is nigh... insurance running out! No more cover!' Below the word 'cancelled' are the words 'We have reinsurance!' Context - Civil Defence has cancelled a tsunami warning after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the Kermadec Islands this morning (7 July 2011) The tsunami image is used to illustrate the problems that could arise from lack of insurance in Christchurch. When their policies run out on 30 June Earthquake-hit Christchurch and Waimakariri councils are in danger of having no property insurance because as the CEO of Civic Assurance, which insures most councils, says, 'the company cannot buy reinsurance'. There was also a potential problem for home-owners when AMI Insurance, the largest insurer of homes in Christchurch, was threatening insolvency. However, AMI has announced that it has re-insurance cover for earthquakes and other natural disasters from tomorrow (1 July 2011) for the next year. The Government feared AMI Insurance's directors would wind up the company affecting a huge section of New Zealand's insurance market and derail the reconstruction of Christchurch, official documents confirm. AMI said it had doubled its cover for the year to June 2012 after three large quakes in the year to June 2011. (Stuff 30 June 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows the word 'Christchurch' with 'church' crossed out and replaced with 'mess'. A second version has the word 'scary' added. A third version has the word 'church' replaced by 'mas'. A fourth version has the words 'early' and 'presence' included and 'church' is replaced by 'mess'. Context: concern about continuing trials and tribulations of Christchurch with unremitting earthquakes and aftershocks. Four versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 4 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The Canterbury earthquake sequence in New Zealand’s South Island induced widespread liquefaction phenomena across the Christchurch urban area on four occasions (4 Sept 2010; 22 Feb; 13 June; 23 Dec 2011), that resulted in widespread ejection of silt and fine sand. This impacted transport networks as well as infiltrated and contaminated the damaged storm water system, making rapid clean-up an immediate post-earthquake priority. In some places the ejecta was contaminated by raw sewage and was readily remobilised in dry windy conditions, creating a long-term health risk to the population. Thousands of residential properties were inundated with liquefaction ejecta, however residents typically lacked the capacity (time or resources) to clean-up without external assistance. The liquefaction silt clean-up response was co-ordinated by the Christchurch City Council and executed by a network of contractors and volunteer groups, including the ‘Farmy-Army’ and the ‘Student-Army’. The duration of clean-up time of residential properties and the road network was approximately 2 months for each of the 3 main liquefaction inducing earthquakes; despite each event producing different volumes of ejecta. Preliminary cost estimates indicate total clean-up costs will be over NZ$25 million. Over 500,000 tonnes of ejecta has been stockpiled at Burwood landfill since the beginning of the Canterbury earthquakes sequence. The liquefaction clean-up experience in Christchurch following the 2010-2011 earthquake sequence has emerged as a valuable case study to support further analysis and research on the coordination, management and costs of large volume deposition of fine grained sediment in urban areas.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In the top frame someone unseen (Murray McCully) in the Beehive says 'John! - There's been a bad reaction to us taking special powers to fix problems in Auckland!' Prime Minister John Key says 'What Murray?' In the lower frame Minister for the Rugby World Cup, Murray McCully, says 'The worst hit parts of Christchurch have declared themselves Fan Zones!' and the PM says 'Oh S..t!' The little Evans man says 'Sounds better than Red Zone!' Context: Refers to the chaos over transport and crowd control in the fanzone when much larger numbers of people flocked to the Rugby World Cup opening and revelry than expected. The government used special powers to take over the management of Queens Wharf fanzone spaces previously managed by an Auckland Council group, thus rather undermining the Mayor, Len Brown and the Auckland City Council. A new plan was signed off under special powers by Murray McCully directly after the fiasco. The Christchurch comment refers to the areas worst hit by the earhquakes. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'The earth moved...... and so did the government's infrastructure spending estimate'. Centre cartoon is the text '$17 billion' set against the backdrop of a seismic graph. Context - Auckland and Christchurch have been given top priority in the Government's latest national infrastructure plan, with more than seven billion dollars of its $17 billion budget going to the two cities. NZ Council for Infrastructure chief executive Stephen Selwood says hes not surprised at the large amount of funding going to Auckland and Christchurch, saying its clear the Christchurch rebuild will require a major commitment and Aucklands continued growth also requires significant funding. (Source:, 5 July 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text at the top of the cartoon reads 'News - A "Moon man non-event lunch" will be held above Christchurch to defy quake predictions for that day'. In tea rooms on hills above Christchurch a group of people enjoy lunch as they defy precaution against a predicted earthquake. They order a 'pot o' tea', 'pie & chips', 'sandwich & coke' and a 'shake & roll'; above in a black and thunderous cloud God thinks he heard someone request a shake & a roll'. Context - After the two big earthquakes in Christchurch on 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011, the so-called Moon Man Ken Ring is backing away from his prediction that Christchurch will be whacked by a huge earthquake today (20 March 2011). His claims have terrified Cantabrians and led to people fleeing Christchurch. M.P. Nick Smith and the Skeptics Society are planning a lunch in one of Christchurch's highest, oldest, stone buildings - on the day that "moon man" Ken Ring says the city will be hit by another devastating earthquake ; the lunch will be held at noon on March 20 at the Sign of the Kiwi, on the top of the Port Hills - which Smith said was the closest building to the epicentre of the February 22 quake. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Hotel Grand Chancellor on verge of collapse but still standing after the 6.3 magnitude quake hit Christchurch on 22 February 2011 because of concrete being poured into the lower floors.