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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a building on Poplar Lane. The photographer comments, "I felt that this building had a real Italian feel about it. It is actually in Christchurch, New Zealand. It appears on the list to be partially demolished after the Christchurch earthquake, so it might not be around for much longer".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man dozes in front of the television news which reports in four cameos 'Israel defies UN!, Israel assassinates Palestinian leaders!, land seized and homes bulldozed, Israel smashes Palestinian infrastructure!, Gaza shelled!', Israel blocks aid convoys! Nine die!, Palestinians children traumatised'. In the last cameo the newsreader says 'Israeli spies in NZ - maybe!' and the man wakes up and fully alert yells 'WHAT!' Context: We only care when the news is close to home! The Southland Times reported on 20th July that an Israeli national killed in the February Christchurch Earthquake was a Mossad spy. PM John Key has confirmed that an investigation into the four Israelis involved was carried out by police and the SIS but he said no evidence was found of a link between the group and Israeli intelligence. It would seem that the group were backpackers, not Mossad agents. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Principal Toni Simpson telling the students and teachers of Phillipstown School about the plan to merge their school with Woolston School. Phillipstown is one of twelve schools which is set to merge in the Education Renewal Recovery Programme. The programme was created by the Minister of Education in the wake of the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

In 2016, the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016 was introduced to address the issue of seismic vulnerability amongst existing buildings in Aotearoa New Zealand. This Act introduced a mandatory scheme to remediate buildings deemed particularly vulnerable to seismic hazard, as recommended by the 2012 Royal Commission into the Canterbury earthquake sequence of 2010–2011. This Earthquake-prone Building (EPB) framework is unusual internationally for the mandatory obligations that it introduces. This article explores and critiques the operation of the scheme in practice through an examination of its implementation provisions and the experiences of more recent seismic events (confirmed by engineering research). This analysis leads to the conclusion that the operation of the current scheme and particularly the application of the concept of EPB vulnerability excludes large numbers of (primarily urban) buildings which pose a significant risk in the event of a significant (but expected) seismic event. As a result, the EPB scheme fails to achieve its goals and instead may create a false impression that it does so

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

At top left is text reading 'Christchurch pupils return to school...' The teacher has written the words 'Nosey', 'Bob', and 'Double' on the blackboard and says to the children 'Our first test today... Sort these into Parkers we love and Parkers we don't'... Context - the correct answers would be that we hate 'nosey parkers' and 'double parkers' but that we love 'Bob Parker'. Bob Parker is the Mayor of Christchurch and is generally considered to have done a remarkably good job of demonstrating calm and cheerfulness after the two earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011, as well as having been able to chose fitting words to express grief and despair at so much loss. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Paul Bushnell is talking today about how different clichés are subverted by great storytelling: Fragments, an RNZ series about the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and Carrier from the USA - what would once have been called a radio drama.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The Canterbury earthquake and aftershock sequence in New Zealand during 2010-2011 subjected the city’s structures to a significant accumulated cyclic demand and raised significant questions regarding the low-cycle fatigue demands imposed upon the structures. There is a significant challenge to quantify the level of cumulative demand imposed on structures and to assess the percentage of a structure's fatigue life that has been consumed as a result of this earthquake sequence. It is important to be able to quantify the cumulative demand to determine how a building will perform in a subsequent large earthquake and inform repair and re-occupancy decisions. This paper investigates the cumulative fatigue demand for a structure located within the Christchurch Central Business District (CBD). Time history analysis and equivalent cycle counting methods are applied across the Canterbury earthquake sequence, using key events from September 4th 2010 and February 22nd , 2011 main shocks. The estimate of the cumulative fatigue demand is then compared to the expected capacity of a case study reinforced concrete bridge pier, to undertake a structure-specific fatigue assessment. The analysis is undertaken to approximate the portion of the structural fatigue capacity that has been consumed, and how much residual capacity remains. Results are assessed for recordings at the four Christchurch central city strong motion recording sites installed by the GeoNet programme, to provide an estimate of variation in results. The computed cyclic demand results are compared to code-based design methods and as assessment of the inelastic displacement demand of the reinforcing steel. Results are also presented in a fragility context where a de minimis (inconsequential), irreparable damage and full fatigue fracture are defined to provide a probabilistic assessment of the fatigue damage incurred. This methodology can provide input into the overall assessment of fatigue demands and residual capacity.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'The earth moved...... and so did the government's infrastructure spending estimate'. Centre cartoon is the text '$17 billion' set against the backdrop of a seismic graph. Context - Auckland and Christchurch have been given top priority in the Government's latest national infrastructure plan, with more than seven billion dollars of its $17 billion budget going to the two cities. NZ Council for Infrastructure chief executive Stephen Selwood says hes not surprised at the large amount of funding going to Auckland and Christchurch, saying its clear the Christchurch rebuild will require a major commitment and Aucklands continued growth also requires significant funding. (Source:, 5 July 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Canadian-born Mark Quigley is a senior lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology at the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He's become an unwitting star as the go-to scientific voice throughout the Canterbury earthquakes, using plain language to help people understand what's behind the earthquake sequence. He's also had his own personal quake story - his Avonside home was badly damaged and is in the red zone.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text above the image reads 'Time capsules unearthed in Christchurch' A man reads a newspaper which says 'Petrol is so cheap you can actually afford to run one of these new-fangled motor cars...' Context - when a bronze statue of Christchurch founder John Robert Godley, which stood in Cathedral Square, toppled during the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011, a crane driver clearing rubble discovered two time capsules. One is a small glass capsule with a hand-written letter on gold parchment inside, while the other is a large metal-like object, yet to be opened. A Nelson newspaper 'The Colonist' in an article published in 1918, about the time capsule in Christchurch said, "This statute of John Robert Godley executed by Thomas Woolner was erected in the west side of the Cathedral Square by the Provincial Government of Canterbury, and unveiled by the late Sir Charles Christopher Bowen on August 6 1867, it was moved to this site in March 1918." The man in the cartoon reads a bout the cost of petrol being incredibly cheap and thinks it refers to today's prices. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Bob Parker, Christchurch mayor and Peter Townsend, chief executive of the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce. The Christchurch City Council has unveiled its $2 billion vision for the rebuild of earthquake-hit central Christchurch.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Questions to Ministers 1. JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister of Finance: What advice has he received about factors that lie behind the current turmoil we are witnessing on world financial markets, and what are the implications for New Zealand? 2. KEVIN HAGUE to the Minister of Labour: Does she still agree, as she did on 13 July 2011, with the comment made by Rt Hon John Key on 22 November 2010 that "I have no reason to believe that New Zealand safety standards are any less than Australia's and in fact our safety record for the most part has been very good"? 3. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his answers to Oral Question No 1 yesterday when he said that the Leader of the Opposition is "just plain wrong" in relation to skills training? 4. KATRINA SHANKS to the Minister for the Environment: How have Government reforms to the Resource Management Act helped increase competition in the grocery business? 5. Hon CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Attorney-General: Will he meet with earthquake victims' families to hear directly why they need independent legal representation; if not, why not? 6. Hon JOHN BOSCAWEN to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statement that "I think the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research is referring to some longer-term issues around demographic change and healthcare costs, and we share the chief executive's concern"? 7. DARIEN FENTON to the Minister of Labour: What is the timeline of the ministerial inquiry into the treatment of foreign fishing crews in New Zealand waters? 8. CHRIS AUCHINVOLE to the Minister for Communications and Information Technology: What progress is being made on the Government's goal of delivering fast broadband to rural areas? 9. Dr KENNEDY GRAHAM to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery: Does he agree that an appropriate part of the "red zone" area along the Avon River through Christchurch should be transformed into a "green space" for memorial and recreational public purposes? 10. STUART NASH to the Minister of Finance: Does he believe the tax system is fair for all New Zealanders? 11. KANWALJIT SINGH BAKSHI to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What steps has the Government taken to manage gateways between benefits? 12. KELVIN DAVIS to the Minister of Education: Does she stand by all of her answers to Oral Question No 8 yesterday?

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows the Minister for Earthquake Recovery, Gerry Brownlee, who wears a jacket with 'CERA' printed on it, reading from the 'Doomsday Book'. He reads 'The following suburbs and my hopes of a reputation as an effective minister, are now officially listed as munted...' Context - On 23rd June Prime Minister, John Key, officially announced which streets and suburbs in earthquake-ravaged Christchurch would be abandoned. For many residents, there has been too much delay and too little information regarding progress towards resolving questions about which land can or cannot be used for rebuilding for Gerry Brownlee's reputation to remain unsullied. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of damage to the former Princess Cinema in New Brighton. Bricks have fallen from the wall, exposing the interior. The photographer comments, "This is the back of the old Princess Cinema in New Brighton after the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand on 22 February. The bricks seem to be just on the edge of falling. This building has now been knocked down as it was so dangerous".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A large sign just outside Christchurch's Red Zone reads 'Christchurch RED ZONE - security staff and celebrities only'. A security guard phones through to Check Point One, saying 'Base to check point one - no shop keepers allowed but the queen, Fidel Castro, Tina Turner and Elvis are coming in'. These four people have formed a queue and are allowed to enter the Red Zone. Context - It is now three months past the earthquake of 19 February and shopkeepers and owners of small businesses are becoming very frustrated by the still limited access to the Red Zone business area. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch central seems to have a business micro-climate. And right now it's chilly. The CBD is nothing like it used to be before the 2011 earthquake and those businesses that re-opened say they really had no choice because of the demands of insurance companies.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

The last seven years have seen southern New Zealand a ected by several large and damaging earthquakes: the moment magnitude (MW) 7.8 Dusky Sound earthquake on 15 July 2009, the MW 7.1 Dar eld (Canterbury) earthquake on 4 September 2010, and most notably the MW 6.2 Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011 and the protracted aftershock sequence. In this thesis, we address the postseismic displacement produced by these earthquakes using methods of satellite-based geodetic measurement, known as Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Global Positioning System (GPS), and computational modelling.  We observe several ground displacement features in the Canterbury and Fiordland regions during three periods: 1) Following the Dusky Sound earthquake; 2) Following the Dar eld earthquake and prior to the Christchurch earthquake; and 3) Following the Christchurch earthquake until February 2015.  The ground displacement associated with postseismic motion following the Dusky Sound earthquake has been measured by continuous and campaign GPS data acquired in August 2009, in conjunction with Di erential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) observations. We use an afterslip model, estimated by temporal inversion of geodetic data, with combined viscoelastic rebound model to account for the observed spatio-temporal patterns of displacement. The two postseismic processes together induce a signi cant displacement corresponding to principal extensional and contractual strain rates of the order of 10⁻⁷ and 10⁻⁸ yr⁻¹ respectively, across most of the southern South Island.  We also analyse observed postseismic displacement following the Dusky Sound earthquake using a new inversion approach in order to describe afterslip in an elasticviscoelastic medium. We develop a mathematical framework, namely the "Iterative Decoupling of Afterslip and Viscoelastic rebound (IDAV)" method, with which to invert temporally dense and spatially sparse geodetic observations. We examine the IDAV method using both numerical and analytical simulations of Green's functions.  For the post-Dar eld time interval, postseismic signals are measured within approximately one month of the mainshock. The dataset used for the post-Dar eld displacement spans the region surrounding previously unrecognised faults that ruptured during the mainshock. Poroelastic rebound in a multi-layered half-space and dilatancy recovery at shallow depths provide a satisfactory t with the observations.  For the post-Christchurch interval, campaign GPS data acquired in February 2012 to February 2015 in four successive epochs and 66 TerraSAR-X (TSX) SAR acquisitions in descending orbits between March 2011 and May 2014 reveal approximately three years of postseismic displacement. We detect movement away from the satellite of ~ 3 mm/yr in Christchurch and a gradient of displacement of ~ 4 mm/yr across a lineament extending from the westernmost end of the Western Christchurch Fault towards the eastern end of the Greendale East Fault. The postseismic signals following the Christchurch earthquake are mainly accounted for by afterslip models on the subsurface lineament and nearby faults.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The title is 'Cardboard cathedral proposed...' The cartoon shows the Christchurch Cathedral completed with cardboard boxes and a spire made of used toilet rolls. A puppy is in the process of unwinding toilet paper from the last roll. On an earlier part of the roof stand cardboard cutouts of the Christchurch wizard and maybe the mayor, Bob Parker. Context: A design for a temporary cathedral has been outlined by renowned Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. The proposed $4 million temporary replacement for Christchurch's destroyed cathedral made of shipping containers and cardboard has been met with scepticism from residents of the quake-hit city who wonder whether another church is really what the city needs right now. (3 News 1 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The title reads 'Future Christchurch CBD?...' Two people stare at numerous large featureless blocks across the Avon River. One says 'Those buildings look pretty ugly' and the other points out that they are 'just the piles'. Context: The Christchurch City Council is moving to impose urban-design etiquette and avert architectural mistakes such as clashing with the neighbours, glaring corporate colours and the long, blank walls common to most suburban shopping malls. The proposed rules will be overseen by an urban-design panel of four experts drawn from a pool of 12 architects, designers, planners and valuers. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

The Canterbury earthquake sequence (2010-2011) was the most devastating catastrophe in New Zealand‘s modern history. Fortunately, in 2011 New Zealand had a high insurance penetration ratio, with more than 95% of residences being insured for these earthquakes. This dissertation sheds light on the functions of disaster insurance schemes and their role in economic recovery post-earthquakes.  The first chapter describes the demand and supply for earthquake insurance and provides insights about different public-private partnership earthquake insurance schemes around the world.  In the second chapter, we concentrate on three public earthquake insurance schemes in California, Japan, and New Zealand. The chapter examines what would have been the outcome had the system of insurance in Christchurch been different in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquake sequence (CES). We focus on the California Earthquake Authority insurance program, and the Japanese Earthquake Reinsurance scheme. Overall, the aggregate cost of the earthquake to the New Zealand public insurer (the Earthquake Commission) was USD 6.2 billion. If a similar-sized disaster event had occurred in Japan and California, homeowners would have received only around USD 1.6 billion and USD 0.7 billion from the Japanese and Californian schemes, respectively. We further describe the spatial and distributive aspects of these scenarios and discuss some of the policy questions that emerge from this comparison.  The third chapter measures the longer-term effect of the CES on the local economy, using night-time light intensity measured from space, and focus on the role of insurance payments for damaged residential property during the local recovery process. Uniquely for this event, more than 95% of residential housing units were covered by insurance and almost all incurred some damage. However, insurance payments were staggered over 5 years, enabling us to identify their local impact. We find that night-time luminosity can capture the process of recovery; and that insurance payments contributed significantly to the process of local economic recovery after the earthquake. Yet, delayed payments were less affective in assisting recovery and cash settlement of claims were more effective than insurance-managed repairs.  After the Christchurch earthquakes, the government declared about 8000 houses as Red Zoned, prohibiting further developments in these properties, and offering the owners to buy them out. The government provided two options for owners: the first was full payment for both land and dwelling at the 2007 property evaluation, the second was payment for land, and the rest to be paid by the owner‘s insurance. Most people chose the second option. Using data from LINZ combined with data from Stats NZ, the fourth chapter empirically investigates what led people to choose this second option, and how peer effect influenced the homeowners‘ choices.  Due to climate change, public disclosure of coastal hazard information through maps and property reports have been used more frequently by local government. This is expected to raise awareness about disaster risks in local community and help potential property owners to make informed locational decision. However, media outlets and business sector argue that public hazard disclosure will cause a negative effect on property value. Despite this opposition, some district councils in New Zealand have attempted to implement improved disclosure. Kapiti Coast district in the Wellington region serves as a case study for this research. In the fifth chapter, we utilize the residential property sale data and coastal hazard maps from the local district council. This study employs a difference-in-difference hedonic property price approach to examine the effect of hazard disclosure on coastal property values. We also apply spatial hedonic regression methods, controlling for coastal amenities, as our robustness check. Our findings suggest that hazard designation has a statistically and economically insignificant impact on property values. Overall, the risk perception about coastal hazards should be more emphasized in communities.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Rangiora Earthquake Express was the brain child of Brendan Malone and his mate Chris who, on Wednesday last week, came up with an idea to help the citizens of East Christchurch.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Questions to Ministers 1. Hon PHIL GOFF to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his statements on the privatisation of New Zealand State-owned power companies? 2. MICHAEL WOODHOUSE to the Minister of Finance: What progress has the Government made in making the tax system fairer? 3. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Prime Minister: At recent meetings he has had with Grey Power, have they raised with him their concerns about the sell-off of state assets? 4. Dr CAM CALDER to the Minister of Corrections: Has she received any reports on the rate of escape from New Zealand prisons? 5. Hon DAVID CUNLIFFE to the Minister of Finance: Why doesn't his Budget's net debt track take into account lost dividends from SOEs and sales costs arising from his policy of privatising state assets? 6. KEVIN HAGUE to the Minister of Labour: Is underground mining safe in New Zealand? 7. COLIN KING to the Minister of Transport: What progress has been made on the Christchurch Southern Motorway Road of National Significance following the earthquakes in the city? 8. Hon CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery: How many of the 5,100 properties in the red zone have been deemed to be uneconomic to repair by the insurer and how many of those, approximately, had unimproved land valuations of less than $150,000? 9. JOHN BOSCAWEN to the Minister of Māori Affairs: Does he stand by all of his recent statements? 10. Hon TREVOR MALLARD to the Prime Minister: Further to his answers to Oral Question No 1 yesterday on the purchase of state assets by foreigners, what percentage of Contact shares are currently held by foreigners or corporations? 11. RAHUI KATENE to the Minister for the Environment: Does he agree with the statement in Ko Aotearoa Tēnei, that "direct infusion of indigenous values into mainstream environmental regulation may well be unique in the world"; if so, how will he advance the opportunities for Māori to take more positive and proactive roles in environmental decision-making? 12. NICKY WAGNER to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What reports has she seen on the Canterbury unemployment figures?