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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Stone Chamber of the Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings on Durham Street North. Large sections of the Chamber have collapsed and the masonry and other rubble has spilled onto the footpath in front. To the left scaffolding constructed up the side of the building has also collapsed and twisted out of shape. Wire fences have been placed along the side of the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Volcano Café on London Street. The brick wall on the left side of the building has crumbled, and the bricks have spilt onto the footpath. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is no longer safe to enter. Plywood has been used to board up the windows and wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of signs on a wall in the Christchurch Art Gallery. The signs read, "Final media trip to the CTV building, 15:00 hours, media opportunity with National Controller and rescue services. This is the last scheduled media hour into the red zone", "Media Briefings, Tuesday 8 March: 10:30 hours, Wednesday 9 March: 15:00 hours, in auditorium" and "Please switch off your cell phones before entering media briefings. Thank you". There is also a diagram of the first and ground floor of the art gallery. The Christchurch Art Gallery served as the temporary Civil Defence headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the intersection of Lichfield, Manchester, and High Streets, taken from the corner of Lichfield and High Streets. Emergency management personnel are crossing the intersection. To the right an excavator is parked on Manchester Street in front of the rubble from a demolished building. In the background the ANZ Building has been partially demolished and an excavator is sitting in front. To the right of the excavator there are several chairs, tables, and a couch under a red umbrella. Another member of an emergency management team is sitting on the couch.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an earthquake-damaged house on Marine Parade in North Brighton. The front section of the house has collapsed, the rest buckled. The wall of the gable has also collapsed as well as part of the lower front wall. A red sticker in the window indicates that the building is unsafe to enter. A message has been spray painted on the front window, reading, "Roof tiles, $3 each". Police tape, a road cone and saw horses have been used to cordon off the house.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a section of a mural on one side of the Shoreline Fitness Centre on Hawke Street. This section of the mural contains bubbles with artworks painted inside. One of the bubbles contains a message, reading, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead".

Audio, UC QuakeStudies

An audio recording of a mayoral debate hosted by Generation Zero in partnership with 350 Christchurch. The event was titled Mayoral Debate: a climate-smart Christchurch. It was held on campus at the University of Canterbury on Thursday 22 September, 2016 and was moderated by Catarina Gutierrez of the Ministry of Awesome. The debate was structured as follows: Section 1: Candidates answered set questions sent prior to the event Section 2: Candidates answered set questions they have not seen before Interval Section 3: Candidates answered written questions from the audience (climate-related questions were submitted during the interval and a selection of these were given to the moderator). The audio recording was taken through the University's Echo system.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a half-finished flower mosaic. The mosaic has been made out of pieces of broken china which have been laid over a paper design. Mesh has also been placed over the design so that it can be transferred easily to Crack's for Christchurch's concrete chair. Other pieces of china are scattered around the mosaic.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "Marie begins the very first flower. It is so difficult and time consuming that we are all in despair. Will this take forever? No-one is getting paid and we all have jobs and lives in some chaos thanks to the earthquakes."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of Crack'd for Christchurch working on their armchair artwork. Reporter Mike Thorpe is in the background.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "August 2014. Mike Thorpe and camera man filming Flora for Seven Sharp in anticipation of the launch. Only 4 weeks to go. No grout on the chair yet. From left: Jenny Cooper, Marie Hudson, and Sharon Wilson."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a camera operator filming members of Crack'd for Christchurch as they work on their armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "August 2014. Mike Thorpe and camera man filming Flora for Seven Sharp in anticipation of the launch. Only 4 weeks to go. No grout on the chair yet. From left: Helen Campbell, Jennie Cooper, and Marie Hudson."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a TVNZ camera operator filming the members of Crack'd for Christchurch during the launch of the Green Room garden. The members have gathered around their armchair and ottoman artwork. The armchair and ottoman are covered in white sheets and tied with a blue bow. They will be unveiled for the first time during the launch.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The whole team together."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Sarah Campagnolo, Project Co-ordinator for Greening the Rubble, speaking at the opening of the Green Room garden. In the background, members of Crack'd for Christchurch have gathered around their armchair and ottoman artworks. The artworks are wrapped in white sheets and tied with a bow. They will be unveiled for the first time during the launch. To the right, a camera operator from One News is filming the speech.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the public examining Crack'd for Christchurch's armchair mosaic. The armchair and ottoman artworks have just been unveiled during the launch of the Green Room garden on Colombo Street. In the foreground are several members of Crack'd for Christchurch. A camera operator from One News is also filming the event.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Penelope Burns during the second plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. Burns is the Senior Lecturer in the Department of General Practice at the University of Western Sydney. The presentation is titled, "Recovery Begins in Preparedness".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Involvement of primary care doctors in planning is essential for optimising the health outcomes of communities during and after disasters. However, our experience in Australia has shown that primary care doctors have not been included in a substantial way. This presentation will highlight our experience in the Victorian and New South Wales bushfires and the Sydney Siege. It will stress the crucial need to involve primary care doctors in planning at national, state, and local levels, and how we are working to implement this.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in front of the earthquake-damaged Avonmore House on Hereford Street. Sections of the walls have crumbled, spilling bricks and masonry onto the footpath and street below. Many of the windows have warped, breaking the glass. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the columns. A red sticker taped to the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in front of the earthquake-damaged Avonmore House on Hereford Street. Sections of the walls have crumbled, spilling bricks and masonry onto the footpath and street below. Many of the windows have also warped, breaking the glass. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the columns. A red sticker taped to the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Iconic bar on the corner of Manchester and Gloucester Streets. Large sections of the outer walls have collapsed, the bricks and masonry spilling onto the footpath below, crushing several cars. USAR codes have been spray-painted near the door and a red sticker has been taped above. The red sticker indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to a window. The sign includes a bullet pointed list of humorous observations about Christchurch following the February 2011 earthquake. The sign reads, "You know you're from Christchurch when: you use the term 'liquefaction' and 'seismic design' in casual conversation; digging a hole and shitting in your garden is no longer weird; your mayor describes the city as munted. If he means FUBARed, you agree; weaving through car size potholes on the street is no longer weird; a shower is heaven; you have a preference of which kind of silt you'd rather shovel, dry or wet; you see tanks...driving around town; you are always noting what you are under; due to frequent aftershocks during the night, you sleep like a baby - every 10 minutes you wake up and shit yourself".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the back page of a Christchurch City Council form. The form allowed contractors to apply for the authorisation to enter the Christchurch Red Zone after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Information on the back reads, "What does this authorisation mean for me? I am wearing appropriate personal protection clothing and equipment. At all times DO NOT enter any red placarded building. You may enter a yellow placarded building for a period of time (no longer than 30 minutes) and follow the instruction of the escorts. A green placarded building may be accessed for longer periods. Please note: do not enter any buildings which are not for the purpose of your authorisation".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Crack'd for Christchurch's preparation for mosaicking their armchair artwork in a garage. A number of mosaics of flowers and leaves have been laid over the floor. Several cars covered in dust sheets are parked in the background. To the right, Jenny Cooper is placing paper mosaic designs on the arms of the chair.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "Some of the flowers made over the summer, laid out and ready to go on the chair."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the front of Crack'd for Christchurch's partially-completed armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "We took quotes from some of the letters sent to us and a local ceramicist, Cecelia Freire De Mance, donated her time and wonderful skills to turn these into ceramic tiles to be broken up for the chair. This one reads, 'treasures in our everyday living...'."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the location of the Green Room garden on Colombo Street. White picket fences have been placed around the edges of the site and a platform has been partially constructed in the back-right corner. Wire fences have been placed around the entire section as a cordon.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The Green Room was built by Jonathan Hall and planted by Gina Payne."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the location of the Green Room garden on Colombo Street. White picket fences have been placed around the edges of the site and a platform has been constructed in the back-right corner. Two garden plots have been sectioned off using bricks to the right and front of the site. The front plot has been planted with shrubs and grass. A path leading between the gardens up to the platform has been filled with gravel. Wire fences have been placed around the entire section as a cordon.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The Green Room was built by Jonathan Hall and planted by Gina Payne."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of Crack'd for Christchurch, Greening the Rubble, and Phresh Deliveries standing in front of a truck. Crack'd for Christchurch's armchair artwork has been wrapped in a tarpaulin and placed on the back of the truck.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "Flora is uplifted from the workshop at last! You can see the relief on our faces. From left: Marie Hudson, Jenny Cooper, Jonathan Hall, and Nick Johnston from Phresh Deliveries."

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a media release by All Right? titled "Bug Invasion to Support Anxious Canterbury Children". The media release details the launch of the Worry Bug Project and the books Maia and the Worry Bug and Wishes and Worries. It includes quotes from Sarina Dickson (The Worry Bug Project), Dr Julie Burgess-Manning (Worry Bug), Sue Turner (All Right?), Dr Russell Wills (Children's Commission) and Tracey Chambers (The Canterbury Community Trust). The release was embargoed until 8 July 2015.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a media release titled "New Tool for Kiwi Parents - Time for an Adventure". The media release includes quotes from All Right? Campaign Manager Sue Turner and Anna Mowat (SKIP) about the Tiny Adventures app, which was developed in partnership between SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents) and All Right?. The media release is marked as being for immediate release and was produced in September 2014.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the keynote presentation by Sir John Holmes, during the first plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. Holmes is the former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, the current Director of Ditchley Foundation, and the chair of the Board of the International Rescue Committee in the UK. The presentation is titled, "The Politics of Humanity: Reflections on international aid in disasters".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: As United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinate from 2007-2010, Sir John Holmes was heavily involved in the coordination of air provision to countries struck by natural and man-made disasters, raising the necessary funds, and the elaboration of humanitarian policy. The international humanitarian system is fragmented and struggling to cope with rising demands from both conflicts such as that in Syria, and the growing effects of climate change. Sir John will talk about what humanitarian aid can and cannot achieve, the frustrations of getting aid through when access may be difficult or denied, and the need to ensure that assistance encompasses protection of civilians and efforts to get them back on their feet, as well as the delivery of essential short term items such as food, water, medical care and shelter. He will discuss the challenges involved in trying to make the different agencies - UN United Nations, non-government organisations and the International Red Cross/Crescent movement - work together effectively. He will reveal some of the problems in dealing with donor and recipient governments who often have their own political and security agendas, and may be little interested in the necessary neutrality and independence of humanitarian aid. He will illustrate these points by practical examples of political and other dilemmas from aid provision in natural disasters such as Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in 2009, and the Haiti earthquake of 2010, and in conflict situations such as Darfur, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka in the past, and Syria today. He will also draw conclusions and make recommendations about how humanitarian aid might work better, and why politicians and others need to understand more clearly the impartial space required by humanitarian agencies to operate properly.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the keynote presentation by Alexander C. McFarlane during the third plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. McFarlane is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide and the Heady of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies. The presentation is titled, "Holding onto the Lessons Disasters Teach".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Disasters are sentinel points in the life of the communities affected. They bring an unusual focus to community mental health. In so doing, they provide unique opportunities for better understanding and caring for communities. However, one of the difficulties in the disaster field is that many of the lessons from previous disasters are frequently lost. If anything, Norris (in 2006) identified that the quality of disaster research had declined over the previous 25 years. What is critical is that a longitudinal perspective is taken of representative cohorts. Equally, the impact of a disaster should always be judged against the background mental health of the communities affected, including emergency service personnel. Understandably, many of those who are particularly distressed in the aftermath of a disaster are people who have previously experienced a psychiatric disorder. It is important that disaster services are framed against knowledge of this background morbidity and have a broad range of expertise to deal with the emerging symptoms. Equally, it is critical that a long-term perspective is considered rather than short-term support that attempts to ameliorate distress. Future improvement of disaster management depends upon sustaining a body of expertise dealing with the consequences of other forms of traumatic stress such as accidents. This expertise can be redirected to co-ordinate and manage the impact of larger scale events when disasters strike communities. This presentation will highlight the relevance of these issues to the disaster planning in a country such as New Zealand that is prone to earthquakes.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A tribute taped to a window of a house on Tasman Place. The tribute reads, "Our red zoned house. When we bought you years ago, you looked a bit tired and sad, but overall you weren't too bad. We spruced you up with paint and love and asked for a blessing from above. The years went by, family and friends celebrations under your roof, your 'veggie' garden gave us kai. We felt safe within your wall, then one dreadful September night, the shaking earth made you fall. You tried with all your groaning might to keep us from harm. Because you were strongly built we held onto the door, while a wave of terror buckled the floor and outside the garden flooded with silt. Now you are near the end, sunken walls and windows bend. We say goodbye today and let you go, Our spirit and heart feels low. You are more than just mortar and brick. For us you were a gift, a safe haven where we once lived".