A photograph of a participant at an outdoor pizzeria earth-building workshop. The event was part of FESTA 2012.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Community book exchange, at the corner of Kilmore and Barbadoes Streets".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Community book exchange, Corner of Kilmore and Barbadoes Streets".
Information sheet about the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat, a dance floor set up in a demolished building site, with a coin operated washing machine offering lighting and music.
Members of the Lyttelton community sanding crates for seating at the Lyttelton Petanque Working Bee, a Gap Filler project to create a garden and petanque court in an empty site in Lyttelton.
A photograph of Wayne Youle's mural 'I Seem to Have Temporarily Misplaced My Sense of Humour' (2012). The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Art installation at an empty site on Colombo Street, Sydenham".
The seating and garden area outside the Coffee Zone shack on Colombo Street. This is a Gap Filler space and the garden has been put together by Greening the Rubble.
An aerial photograph looking south over the Christchurch CBD centred on Colombo Street. The Town Hall and beginnings of Gap Filler's Pallet Pavilion can be seen to the bottom left.
A photograph of a weather-worn graffiti paste-up of a sticking plaster on a damaged wall. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Filler Monopoly Board site, corner Manchester and Dundas Streets".
A girl walks across the Gap Filler "Dance-o-mat" dance floor in Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "She was dancing, but when she saw my camera she got shy and ran back to her friends".
A snapshot from GPS Boomerang's SmartBird flight over the Christchurch red zone on 23 December 2012, looking over Durham Street with Gap Filler's Pallet Pavilion to the left, on the site of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
A photograph of a weather-worn graffiti paste-up of a sticking plaster on a damaged wall. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Gap Filler Monopoly Board site, corner Manchester and Dundas Streets".
A photograph of furniture on the site of Christchurch: A Board Game.
A sign advertising 'Silty' bricks at the Canterbury A&P Show. The sign reads, "Have you got your silty? Proceeds raised from the sale of 'Silty' bricks will go to two Christchurch organisations - Greening the Rubble and Gap Filler".
A photograph of a person playing hockey in a street football arena built by Student Volunteer Army volunteers.
An aerial photograph of Kilmore Street in the central city with the Town Hall complex in the centre and Gap Filler's Pallet Pavilion on the cleared site of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
A photograph of a poster on the Pallet Pavilion on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Streets. The poster reads, "He Tangata! It is People!"
A photograph of a poster on the Pallet Pavilion on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Streets. The poster reads, "He Tangata! It is People!"
A PDF copy of the running sheet for the All Right? Campaign Launch. Presenters are from organisations including CDHB, Healthy Christchurch, Community and Public Health, Mental Health Foundation New Zealand and Gap Filler.
A photograph of Coralie Winn (Gap Filler) leading an aerobics session at CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Coralie Winn (Gap Filler) leading an aerobics session at CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a sign describing St Luke's Labyrinth.
A photograph of a sign describing the Fulton Hogan BMX Pump Track.
A snapshot from GPS Boomerang's SmartBird flight over the Christchurch red zone on 23 December 2012, looking over the Town Hall and Victoria Square with the site of the Crowne Plaza Hotel visible in the bottom left, GapFiller's Pallet Pavillion now in the space.
The Gap Filler headquarters on a vacant lot on Colombo Street in Sydenham. Wheelbarrows full of new plants decorate the outside area. In the background is a mural with a poem reading, "The things which I have seen I now can see no more".
A photograph of a mural depicting ChristChurch Cathedral. The mural is attached to the fence on the site of Christchurch: A Board Game.
A photograph of a street football arena built by Student Volunteer Army volunteers. The walls of the arena are built from recycled timber.
A blackboard announcing live music on Saturdays at the Lyttelton Petanque Club, a Gap Filler project in the empty site of the Ground Culinary Centre. In the distance, the Port Hole can be seen, a temporary bar made out of shipping containers where the Volcano Cafe used to be.
A photograph of the Fulton Hogan BMX Pump Track. A mural on the wall reads, 'Pump it!'.
A photograph of a labyrinth laid out in bricks on the former site of St Luke's church.