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Audio, Radio New Zealand

The government has been told to rein in competition between Christchurch schools and create hubs where they can cooperate. The call comes in some of the 230 submissions the government has received to help it draw up a plan for the renewal of education in the city in the wake of February's devastating earthquake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

In the years that have followed the devastating Christchurch earthquake, there have been many stories of the struggles people have faced. Tonight we bring you the tale of the little school in Christchurch's east that took on Wellington's big decision makers and won. Redcliffs School finally reopened last year, after spending the best part of a decade battling for its survival. Our reporter Nick Truebridge and cameraman Nate McKinnon caught up with Redcliffs' principal Rose McInerney to reflect on a tumultuous last 10 years.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Burwood Community Board Members Tim Baker (left) and Cr Glenn Livingstone (middle-right) with the 'All Righties'. The photograph was taken at the launch of the Wainoni AWA trail at Wainoni School. All Right uploaded the photograph to their Facebook page on 2 September 2015 at 3:56pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of large cracks in the pavement in front of St Paul's School in Dallington. Liquefaction silt can also be seen. Police tape has been draped across the entrance of the building to the left.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A worried Hekia Parata, Minister of Education, tells John Key, the Prime Minister, that schools in Canterbury are resisting being merged. John Key replies that the government will go through a 'consultation process' and then 'do what we like'. However the schools are claiming marae status and thus protection under the Treaty of Waitangi. The 'Hui report' which the Prime Minister is holding confirms this fear. The Ministry of Education, given the excuse of the Canterbury earthquakes, announced that many schools there will be merged or closed. Threatened schools, particularly the two Maori language schools, lodged complaints with the Waitangi Tribunal. 'Hui reports' refers to the claims and resulting hui over the water rights of the proposed partial privatisation of state assets. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to St Paul's School in Dallington. Large cracks can be seen in the surface of the asphalt. Silt from liquefaction is visible in front of the school buildings. Tape has been placed on the building to keep people away.