185 Chairs, an art installation by artist Peter Majendie, which is a memorial to those who died as a result of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a vacant site on Press Lane next to the Press building. The site is to be the location of Atmosphere, a large-scale installation which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a vacant site on Press Lane next to the Press building. The site is to be the location of Atmosphere, a large-scale installation which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of people at the Pavilions & Lighting Devices market at LUXCITY, taken from inside one of the temporary installations. A large-scale hanging sculpture Altitude can be seen illuminated in the distance.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "View centered on the Millennium Hotel in Cathedral Square".
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral.
A montage of photographs of the creation of the installation 'Tonic'. The installation is part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Annabel Pretty, Cesar Wagner, Peter McPherson
A photograph of the south side of the building at 112 Manchester Street. A contemporary billboard for Fortis Construction reads, "Let's build our new city together - kia kaha". It partly obscures an old painted sign for Polson's Decorators and Signwriters, which reads "Protect your investment. Paint your property regularly - and save money".
A poem written on Gap Filler and Poetica's "Instant Poetry" wall on Colombo Street. The poem reads, "A city's more than buildings, and a city's more than steeples. A city's a population, family, friends and people. I will come back, to my English rose".
A sign outside the Chinwag Eathai restaurant on Victoria Street reads "To all our valued customers. We are sorry to inform you as of Tuesday 17th January 2012 our building has been red stickered. Don't worry we will be back at a new location!! Yet to be confirmed".
A member of the public takes a closer look into the cordon, looking down to Hereford Street to the damaged Gough House, with windows boarded up and part of the Vintage Watch store. On the fence is a sign that says 'Road closed' and another one advertising a Wilson's carpark.
Looking across an empty site on the corner of Colombo and Hereford Streets where several buildings have been demolished, the Ibis Hotel and ANZ building are visible in the background. Taken on a day when a walkway was opened up between Re:Start Mall and Cathedral Square to allow temporary public access.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "185 Chairs, an art installation by Peter Majendie, as a memorial to those who died as a result of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The chairs were chosen to reflect the variety of people who died".
A photograph taken from the top of the BNZ building. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "There are workers suspended from a cage about a third of the way up the Pacific Tower as well as a couple of workers on the top penthouse floor. It's hard to see where they are suspended from".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Westpac Bank (left), Grant Thornton building (white right of the Westpac in the distance), ANZ Bank (white with vertical stripes below the Grant Thornton), and Holiday Inn (right) all under demolition".
A photograph of Hera Hjartardottir and Ben Campbell from Fledge standing on a circular platform at the location of 'Sound Cone'. 'Sound Cone' is a performance space at LUXCITY, and is next to Cathedral Junction.
A photograph of 'We Won't Need Legs to Stand', an installation by Sam Eng. The installation was displayed in the window of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
Flowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road. A sign on the ground says 'Commemorative service here Wed 22nd Feb. Bring flowers, seedheads and symbols of memory and hope". In the background, on the wall it says 'Do not demo!'.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against it to limit further damage. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral.
Flowers float under the twisted Medway Street Bridge during the River of Flowers memorial event. The photographer comments, "One year on, Riverside residents gather for a 2 minute silence and to cast flowers in the river. Riverside residents met at the Medway St bridge to commemorate the anniversary of the 22/2/11 quake".
Members of the public take photographs of the damaged Christ Church Cathedral. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral. The tower and the front wall of the building have partially collapsed. Steel bracing has been added to the front wall for support.
Members of the public take photographs of the damaged Christ Church Cathedral. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral. The tower and the front wall of the building have partially collapsed. Steel bracing has been added to the front wall for support.
Members of the public take photographs of the damaged Christ Church Cathedral. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral. The tower and the front wall of the building have partially collapsed. Steel bracing has been added to the front wall for support.
A PDF copy of pages 72-73 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Now Panic and Freak Out'. Photo: Gaby Montejo
A photograph of footage of Cathedral Square playing on a number of computer monitors as part of Gap Filler's ninth project, Thinking Outside the Square. The footage was sourced from the Christchurch community and cut into an hour-long video spanning 100 years.
A photograph of footage of Cathedral Square playing on a number of computer monitors as part of Gap Filler's ninth project, Thinking Outside the Square. The footage was sourced from the Christchurch community and cut into an hour-long video spanning 100 years.
A photograph of footage of Cathedral Square playing on a number of computer monitors as part of Gap Filler's ninth project, Thinking Outside the Square. The footage was sourced from the Christchurch community and cut into an hour-long video spanning 100 years.
Flowers blooming in a vacant site left by the demolition of a building at the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road. A memorial poster made to commemorate Natasha Sarah Hadfield, who died at the site where the Wicks Fish business was located. On it are comments from the public and the word ' We miss you mummy' in big letters.
Members of the public take photographs of the damaged Christ Church Cathedral. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral. The tower and the front wall of the building have partially collapsed. Steel bracing has been added to the front wall for support.
A photograph of footage of Cathedral Square playing on a number of computer monitors as part of Gap Filler's ninth project, Thinking Outside the Square. The footage was sourced from the Christchurch community and cut into an hour-long video spanning 100 years.