A photograph of a child inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a model posing inside an inflated, transparent ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral showing its broken tower. Bracing has been placed on the front wall to limit further damage. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look.
A photograph of architecture students standing among large inflated white balls that are part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
A photograph of handwritten cardboard signs attached to a fence with cable ties. The signs are at the site of Illusions, part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a child inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a colourful wall of bricks. There is damage on the right hand side. In front of it is a pattern made from fallen bricks.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The stained glass window above the altar in St Bartholomew's Anglican Church in Kaiapoi. This is the oldest surviving church in Canterbury".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Jeremy Stewart standing in his lice in Videoland store which is just awaiting the cordon to be pushed back so that customers can come calling".
A photograph of a man inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of 'Screensaver', an installation by Ed Lust. The installation was displayed in the carport of the COCA gallery when the remainder of the building was yellow-stickered.
A photograph of bricks laid as a pathway in Churchill Park. Each brick has a message written on it.
A photograph of students from the Student Volunteer Army and Entré with University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr.
A photograph of bricks laid as a pathway in Churchill Park. Each brick has a message written on it.
A photograph of children cycling on the Fulton Hogan BMX Pump Track.
A photograph of a sign describing the Fulton Hogan BMX Pump Track.
Gap Filler and Poetica's "Instant Poetry" wall on Colombo Street. One of Shakespeare's sonnets has been painted on the mural as well as a blackboard. Members of the public are encouraged to add their poems to the blackboard.
A photograph of a shipping container used as a site office on Hereford Street. In front of the container are two Port-a-loos, and chairs taken from surrounding buildings sit on the footpath to be used as a staff break area.
A sign on a cordon fence on St Asaph Street reads "Stop. You must be inducted before entry." The photographer comments, "Safety comes first when it comes to demolition in the earthquake red zone in Christchurch, New Zealand".
A building on Victoria Street, housing the Chinwag Eathai restaurant, that has been give a yellow placard. This was a building assessment system used following the February earthquake indicating that there should be limited access and that the building needs further evaluation.
A photograph of a man inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
An artist's impression of the installation 'Tonic', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: Annabel Pretty, Cesar Wagner, Peter McPherson
A photograph of the exterior of the Lions Transitional Facility. A wooden ramp leads up to the entrance to the facility.
A photograph of a performer using a large hoola hoop during a performance in the 'Sound Cone' space at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a performer using a large hoola hoop during a performance in the 'Sound Cone' space at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a colourful brick wall and a spiral pattern on the ground at New Brighton Mall. There is also a red and black rug rolled up and laid down on the ground.
A photograph of people watching a model posing in a large inflatable ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar was part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests assembling the temporary bar and installation titled Tonic. The bar is part of LUXCITY.