A photograph of an installation titled 'Murmur'. The installation is part of the LUXCITY event. Tutor: Craig Moller
An artist's impression of the installation 'Archrobatics', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: David Turner, Lester Mismash
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "An exhibit from the Festival of Flowers which was moved from the Botanical Gardens to the Re:Start Mall on Cashel Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of St John the Baptist Church, where the temporary cathedral will be built".
The Wizard of Christchurch talking to members of the public outside of the damaged Christ Church Cathedral. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look at the cathedral.
Patchwork quilts wrapped around the concrete slabs used to stabilise a broken wall on Winchester Street. They make it look snug despite the snow. Many projects like this have cropped up around Canterbury in an effort to brighten the earthquake environment.
A view down Cashel Street. The Crossing building can be partially seen and the Westpac building is in the background. Taken on a day when a walkway was opened up between Re:Start Mall and Cathedral Square to allow temporary public access.
A video of soldiers from Delta Company from 2/1 Battalion Royal NZ Infantry Regiment using the Environment Canterbury (ECan) building on Kilmore Street for a training exercise.
A photograph of an acrobat practicing a performance for 'Sound Cone'. The performance is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of the installation titled Murmur being set up on the edge of Cathedral Square. The installation is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of people creating silhouettes inside one of the tent-like sculptures of Silhouette Carnival at LUXCITY.
Looking from the intersection of Worcester Boulevard and Montreal Street. The damaged Arts Centre is in the background with some of its wall boarded up. Going past it is a red Christchurch Sightseeing Tour bus which offers tours of central Christchurch.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "An exhibit from the Festival of Flowers in the Botanic Gardens which has been moved to the Re:Start Mall on Cashel Street".
A photograph of a temporary installation titled Etch-A-Sketch. The installation is part of LUXCITY.
An artist's impression of the installation 'Archrobatics', created as part of the LUXCITY event. Tutors: David Turner, Lester Mismash
A photograph of architecture students in hard hats and high-visibility vests, standing in front of Etch-A-Sketch at LUXCITY.
A photograph of two architecture students standing among large inflated white balls that are part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a model posing inside an inflated, transparent ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
A photograph of people looking at a sculpture under construction for the Pavilions & Lighting Devices night market, which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a performer using a large hoola hoop during a performance in the 'Sound Cone' space at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a performer using a large hoola hoop during a performance in the 'Sound Cone' space at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a child inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a model posing inside an inflated, transparent ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The organ in St Bartholomew's Anglican Church in Kaiapoi, the oldest surviving church in Canterbury. The organ has survived the earthquakes well".
A photograph of a model posing inside an inflated, transparent ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a visitor photographing a model. The model is part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
A photograph of a man inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a child inflating one of the paper origami balloons of Halo. Halo is a temporary installation that is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a model posing inside an inflated, transparent ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral showing its broken tower. Bracing has been placed on the front wall to limit further damage. A walkway from Gloucester Street to the Square was opened up for a few days to allow the public a closer look.