Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Datasouth Business Solutions Limited office and car park in Burnside".
A photograph taken from the car park of the Hotel Grand Chancellor, looking down at High Street.
A photograph taken from the car park of the Hotel Grand Chancellor, looking down at High Street.
A photograph of a piano-accordion player in a Re:START mall car park during FESTA 2013.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Liquefaction covers the car park by the Sumner Cob Cottage".
A photograph of flowers laid in a child's car-seat in the '185 Empty Chairs' memorial installation.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Datasouth Business Solutions Limited office and car park in Burnside".
Cars on Ferry Road. In the distance the Hotel Grand Chancellor is on a clearly evident lean.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The site of the Lichfield car park viewed from Bedford Row".
Several vehicles on Gloucester Street which have been crushed by falling masonry from Wave House (Winnie Bagoes Gourmet Pizza Bar). Emergency personnel have spray painted two of the cars with the word "Clear" to indicate they have been checked for trapped or injured people. The scene has been cordoned off by New Zealand Fire Service tape.
A photograph looking north across Tuam Street to Poplar Lane. Bricks from earthquake-damaged buildings litter the lane. A car parked on the left side of the lane has been crushed by falling bricks. To the left of the photograph a pile of rubble from Plume is sitting on the road. Behind this are two mannequins, still hanging in the store.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Munn's the Man store on Armagh Street. The outer wall of the top storey has collapsed, the bricks and other rubble spilling onto the car park below. Wire fences placed around the building have toppled over. Steel bracing has been set up inside the building to hold the roof up.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Edward Gibbon building on Madras Street. Sections of the top storey have collapsed and the bricks have spilled onto the road in front, damaging the awning and smashing several cars. In the foreground members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team are standing on the road.
A car on Rowses Road has its wheels embedded in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "The most common sight was extensive damage to the roads. Papanui, Breezes, Wainoni, Shortland Street and many more roads had large cracks and large sink holes. There were approximately 6 cars and 1 large Ready Mix cement truck that had fallen into holes within a few blocks of each other. All people appear to have escaped without serious injury as far as I could tell".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The dramatically sloping floor of the Hotel Grand Chancellor car park".
An empty car park between St Asaph Street and Tuam Street, the City Council building in the background.
The damaged Apex Car Rentals building on Madras Street. The brick parapet has collapsed onto the footpath below.
A loader scraping liquefaction silt into a large pile in the car park of the Ferrymead Veterinary Clinic.
A damaged car pulled from the liquefaction it had been embedded in after falling into a sink hole.
A damaged car pulled from the liquefaction it had been embedded in after falling into a sink hole.
An empty car park between St Asaph Street and Tuam Street, the City Council building in the background.
A loader scraping liquefaction silt into a large pile in the car park of the Ferrymead Veterinary Clinic.
A photograph of the badly-damaged Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street, taken from the car park.
A photograph of cars parked on an empty site left by the demolition of a building on Hereford Street.