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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

6 March 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-03-06-AroundChristchurch-IMG_0108 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

6 March 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-03-06-AroundChristchurch-IMG_0111 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

6 March 2012. File reference: CCL-2012-03-06-AroundChristchurch-IMG_0112 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Earthquake Recovery Minister's released what he says is a how-to strategy for the rebuild following the Canterbury earthquakes. Gerry Brownlee says the strategy for improving investment, innovation and job creation will extend beyond economic recovery and into education, culture and social recovery.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

158 other buildings may share CTV construction flaw; US defence chief lifts ban on NZ vessels in US ports; first snapshot of national standards data published today; Korean fishing boat officers fined more than $400,000; and SFO starts investigation into Christchurch earthquake insurance fraud.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - the latest twist in the Kim Dotcom saga is that the police have announced they're investigating the Government Communications Security Bureau's illegal surveillance of the internet mogul. New research has shown that membership of all mainstream Christian denominations has fallen to historic lows - except for Catholicism. New research has uncovered the role underground rock structures played in stopping the September 2010 Christchurch earthquake from linking up with the Port Hills faultline and causing greater damage to Christchurch.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Eighteen-year-old Josh Anderson was part of the team removing an organ from a church in Christchurch when it collapsed during the 22 February earthquake, killing three of his colleagues. Now, 18 months later, he is about to perform his first ever solo organ concert in his hometown, Timaru.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

For many years the Heathcote-Avon estuary was the dumping ground for Christchurch's sewage. Then, in 2010, the wastewater was diverted well out to sea, via a long pipe. David Schiel from the University of Canterbury and John Zeldis from NIWA were investigating the effects of this diversion on the health of estuary when the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes happened, re-engineering both the estuary and their experiments.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The song 'Antartica' is the latest offering from nine-year-old Christchurch songwriter Bob Gaudin. It's not the first song he's had released - in fact it's the third. He wrote his first song - a one minute thirty second symphony - when he was seven about the Christchurch earthquake, which was played and recorded by the NZ Symphony Orchestra!

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topic 1: The Minister for Earthquake Recovery, Gerry Brownlee, was quick to apologise to the Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker for calling him a clown. Topic 2: The Electoral Commission says John Key's hour-long pre-election radio show gave him the chance to raise his personal profile unchallenged.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Spud Hilton knows what it's like to feel the fear of a large scale earthquake. As the Travel Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, he lives in a city on a fault line. Spud Hilton has just published an article in the San Francisco Chronicle about the status of Christchurch as a tourist destination and as a city that must rebuild, rethink and reinvent itself.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Jim Hay keeps ticking along in a career that's spanned more than 30 years. He's a watchmaker and although he'll be the first to tell you time's just about run out on wrist watches, his skills in clock repairs are in demand since the Christchurch earthquake.