
found 4810 results

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Pike River Mine will be put up for sale soon, People allowed into another area of Christchurch cordon, Relative, friends of quake lost describe pain of waiting, Doubts swirl around Rugby World Cup in Christchurch and the ongoing questions surrounding the death of a New Zealander and other tourists in Thailand, Earthquake puts unprecedented pressure on Reserve Bank, Sovereign may not be last failure in struggling building sector, Space shuttle Discovery lands safely in Florida.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Job fears intensify in Taranaki after the breadmaker Yarrows strikes trouble, Rugby World Cup organisers admit tickets are a tough sell, The former Bosnian Serb military commander is taken to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes,If earthquakes weren't damaging enough, jobs go in Christchurch as a bus manufacturer goes into liquidation.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Plumbers say EQC paying bills too slowly, Earthquake Commission defends its claim process, Events centre, not stimulus package, for West Coast, Harawira calls meeting to consider forming new party, Government, Auckland council split over development, Search work in Christchurch central city nears completion, Power in South Christchurch threatened by cut cable.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Labour MPs say it's important party sticks to strategy, Man shot dead by police near Napier, Thousands attend Westminister Christchurch memorial, Twickenham packed for Crusaders vs Sharks match, Doubt in Christchurch new earthquake agency worthwhile, and Canterbury aged care firms want certainty; families want beds.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Legal aid changes incense legal fraternity, No eftpos available at Rugby World Cup, Japan says radiation declining but crisis matches Chernobyl, Government budgets $8.5 billion to rebuild Christchurch, Unanimous support over earthquake powers breaks down, and Maori Party MP says using police in oil protest extreme.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Ngai Tahu's property portfolio has taken a direct hit from the Christchurch earthquake - losing value and suffering damage; A Northland iwi says a decade long battle to protect a large ancient burial cave on Karikari peninsular north east of Kaitaia, has taken its toll on several hapu; A lecturer specialising in Maori criminal law is question the timing of a Maori Party co-leader's attack on the justice system; The Housing Minister, Phil Heatley, says a project to build three three bedroomed houses and two kaumatua flats on the Chatham Islands, will go some way to easing a housing issue for Maori residents.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A Northland iwi chair says a decade long battle against American owned Carrington Farms and the Far North District Council, has been financially and mentally taxing; A lecturer specialising in Maori criminal law is question the timing of a Maori Party co-leader's attack on the justice system; Ngai Tahu's property portfolio has taken a direct hit from the Christchurch earthquake - losing value and suffering damage; The Housing Minister says a project to build three three bedroomed houses and two kaumatua flats on the Chatham Islands, is a great example of iwi wanting to meet the needs of its people.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Post analysis of last night's All Black victory over the Wallabies and a look at the challenges ahead against Les Bleus; various looks at the Rena including mitigation of environmental impact and a 'please explain' summons to the lessees by the Transport Minister and; the Canterbury earthquake's Royal Commission hearings begin.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Iwi from Northland, Bay of Plenty, the East Coast and Taranaki are joining a pan-tribal hui against new oil drilling and mining; Marae and Maori families around the country are opening their doors to Canterbury earthquake victims who have also suffered from domestic violence; The lead agency for Whanau Ora in Whangarei says it could do with a few more Nannies-on-Wheels.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Several iwi are joining a pan-tribal hui against new oil drilling and mining; The body of the former Maori Women's Welfare League national president, Meagan Joe, will be moved from a Napier marae to another in Mohaka in northern Hawkes Bay later today; Marae and Maori families around the country are opening their doors to Canterbury earthquake victims who have also suffered from domestic violence; The lead agency for Whanau Ora in Whangarei says it could use a few more Nannies on Wheels.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Tairawhiti District health board officials are going into schools in the Gisborne region in an effort to reduce cases of rheumatic fever; A designers' group says the Canterbury earthquake has created an opportunity for the local iwi to put its architectural stamp on the new Christchurch; Kaitaia people will be among the first in the country to see a long-awaited film about the much-loved comedian - Billy T James.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Rural Maori children in the Gisborne region will be visited at school by Health Officials in an effort to reduce the incidence of rheumatic fever; A designers' group says the Canterbury earthquake has created an opportunity for the local iwi to put its architectural stamp on the new Christchurch; Workers who carved the pou on Northland's popular new cycle trail will meet the Prime Minister later this month; Kaitaia people will be among the first in the country to see a long-awaited film about the much-loved comedian - Billy T James.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

After a damning report into the CTV building, how many other Christchurch buildings had faults when the earthquake struck? Police investigate the tragic death of a five year old and when so many businesses are struggling, how did the country's big banks increase profits by a quarter?

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The number of speed camera tickets being issued skyrockets, police say it's about road safety, the AA's not so sure. Crisis talks in Europe over the Greek debt crisis... and its impact on the Eurozone and there were angry scenes at a Christchurch meeting last night as residents tried to stop a dump for earthquake debris being built in their suburb.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The foreign affairs minister says he's satisfied police computers were not at risk from a group of Israelis caught up in the Christchurch earthquake. In a fierce parliamentary debate the British Prime Minister says he regrets hiring a former News of the World journalist, but won't yet apologise for it and the last fugitive indicted for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia is arrested in Serbia.