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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Personnel from Singapore's Air Force standing alongside members of the New Zealand Defence Force in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. The personnel were laying a wreath in memory of those who lost their lives in the Christchurch Earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A member of Singapore's Air Force writing a message in a memorial book in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. The book was placed there for those who wanted to pay tribute to the people who lost their lives in the Christchurch Earthquake.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at 4:35 am on September 4, 2010 here in Christchurch. There was damage and destruction to buildings but no loss of life. Five months later (22nd Feb, 2011) the city was struck by another quake. This time we weren't so lucky. 185 people lost their lives. Many people lost homes and businesses. The central b...

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Monday marks ten years since the Christchurch earthquake shattered New Zealand's second largest city. One-hundred-and-eighty five people lost their lives when a magnitude 6.2 quake shook the city apart. David Berry was one of the first responders in the city centre as part of Urban Search and Rescue. He speaks to Corin Dann.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

About two hundred of those who lost loved ones in collapsed buildings in Christchurch's 2011 earthquake, heard an apology from the city's mayor, Lianne Dalziel yesterday. A royal commission in to faulty buildings found serious errors by engineers and the Christchurch City Council 185 people died during the earthquake on the 22nd of February, 2011. David Selway who lost his sister Susan Selway in the CTV Building, said it was good to hear a heartfelt apology from the mayor for the role her council played in signing off the building as safe.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Poetica is a series of large-scale paintings of 20 different poems in twenty different languages, paying tribute to the different nationalities lost in the Christchurch earthquake.