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Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

<b>Aotearoa has undoubtedly some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, a privilege for its inhabitants. However, as our cities have developed post-colonisation, the connection between the natural environment and its occupants has diminished. Designers play a vital role within an ever evolving world to progress the built environment in a way that reflects and restores vital values that have been deprioritised. Future practice should prioritise diversity, care for the land, enhancement of community space, and sustainable practices.</b> This research sets out to demonstrate that new design methodologies can encourage kaitiakitanga, whilst meeting the needs of urban public space. Initially through critical analysis and literature based research, a study of Ōtautahi Christchurch, the South Island’s largest city, was undertaken. The principles of a ‘15 minute city’ were also explored and applied to the city, establishing issues within the built environment that drove the overall research direction. Through the tools of critical reflection and a research through design methodology, a design toolkit was constructed. This toolkit sets out to provide designers with a simple streamlined method of developing urban interventions that are sustainable and beneficial for human well-being. The toolkit incorporates an abstraction of the ‘15 minute city’ ideology and introduces the concepts of evolving green transportation routes within cities. Ōtautahi Christchurch, a city with a significant history of earthquake-caused damage, was chosen as the primary site for the application of this research’s proposed toolkit. The city becomes a canvas for an urban rebuild that explores and aims to set a precedent for a progressive 21st-century city. A key finding as the toolkit research developed was the idea of a ‘temporary’ phase or intervention, being added to traditional design methodologies prior to permanent building. The research explains how this temporary phase could more actively engage diverse user groups and create active conversations between communities and designers. The refined toolkit sets outs proposed timeline phases, methods of site analysis and development of design drivers. Alongside this, a modular architectural system establishes a design proposal for the temporary phase of an individual site within an evolving green route. This outcome provides further opportunity for realistic testing, which would actively involve communities and aims to shift our priorities within urban development. The introduction of the ‘temporary’ phase is beneficial in mitigating psychological implications on people and limiting physical impacts on the landscape. The final design stage of the thesis applied the toolkit process to three sites in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Through a holistic lens, the toolkit framework set out methods to collate information that provides guidance for development on the sites. While some layers are initiated simply by recognising site characteristics, others are informed through software such as GIS. Connected by a proposed green transport route, the three initial sites are developed with temporary interventions that utilise the modular design set out previously in the research. Contextualising the interventions on real world sites tested the flexibility of the system and allowed for critical reflection on the applicability of the toolkit to Aotearoa. The research concludes by identifying future research opportunities and speculates on possible applications of its findings within the real world. Temporary Permanence highlights the significant role that we, as designers, have in shifting urban priorities to create more holistic, sustainable, and inclusive cities for people and the planet.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the Student Volunteer Army digging up liquefaction in from a resident's property. The liquefaction is being placed in wheelbarrows where it will be transported to the street and left in piles for the City Council to pick up.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The church of St Michaels and All Angels is undamaged after the two earthquakes. The pipe organ suffered significant but reparable damage. This church is now the only operational church within the city centre".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph submitted by Tim Kerr to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Service men – and women – controlled access to inner city Red Zone. They seemed to enjoy the somewhat boring task and were more effective than the police".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. Damage to the Odeon Theatre can be seen out the window.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. Damage to the Odeon Theatre can be seen out the window.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. Damage to buildings on Cashel Street can be seen out the window.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. The Regent Theatre dome which has been removed from the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. Looking into Cathedral Square, the Regent Theatre dome can be partially seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a line of army trucks parked on the side of a road in the Christchurch central city. A member of the New Zealand Army is tying a bundle of wood onto the roof of one of the trucks.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the Student Volunteer Army digging up liquefaction from a resident's property in Avonside. The liquefaction is being placed in wheelbarrows where it will be transported to the street and left in piles for the City Council to pick up.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

I am going away for a short time for a holiday and well get back to you all when I get home. Demotion of the Victoria Sq apartments on a walk around the city Feb 26, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand. www...

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Within four weeks of the September 4 2010 Canterbury Earthquake a new, loosely-knit community group appeared in Christchurch under the banner of “Greening the Rubble.” The general aim of those who attended the first few meetings was to do something to help plug the holes that had already appeared or were likely to appear over the coming weeks in the city fabric with some temporary landscaping and planting projects. This article charts the first eighteen months of Greening the Rubble and places the initiative in a broader context to argue that although seismic events in Christchurch acted as a “call to palms,” so to speak, the city was already in need of some remedial greening. It concludes with a reflection on lessons learned to date by GTR and commentary on the likely issues ahead for this new mini-social-environmental movement in the context of a quake-affected and still quake-prone major New Zealand city. One of the key lessons for GTR and all of those involved in Christchurch recovery activities to date is that the city is still very much in the middle of the event and is to some extent a laboratory for seismic and agency management studies alike.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This photograph shows nearly all of the CBD. The two streets which are prominent in this photograph are Manchester Street on the left and Colombo Street on the right of the photograph. This photograph is from the north, looking towards the southern part of the city. Cathedral Square is about half way up, towards the right. It shows the extent of demolition that has happened already close to the river and near the Manchester/Gloucester Street intersection where there is a lot of bare land surrounding Radio Network House".