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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph submitted by GrantĀ Fife to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "September Quake. Cranmer Court apartments 05/09/2010. The building is quickly supported while damaged chimneys areĀ removed.".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to a residential building near Bealey Avenue. The brick frontage has completely collapsed exposing the interior, and the roof is supported by jacks. A red sticker has been placed on the door.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Reserve Bank has cut its benchmark interest rate, to support the economy against the impact of the Covid-19 virus. The central bank cut its official cash rate to 0.25 percent from one percent. Governor Adrian Orr says the cut is necessary to support businesses and employment. The last time the Reserve Bank made such a big cut was in March 2011 after the Canterbury earthquake. Last week, the bank outlined a range of unconventional monetary policy tools such as negative interest rates, special loans to banks, and buying bonds to put money into the economy. Cameron Bagrie is an independent economist. He speaks to Susie Ferguson.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Government's decision to only talk to iwi and hapu with interests in water which is used by Mighty River Power is supported by a member of the Iwi Chairs Forum; A constitutional Advisory Panel member, Professor Ranginui Walker, says many Maori are worried the Treaty could one day be forgotten; A Christchurch woman says she's still overwhelmed by the aroha and support shown, not only by Maori organisations, but also the general public, since the first earthquake hit Canterbury two years ago today; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A brick building supported by shipping containers on Colombo Street. The side wall of the building has been revealed by the demolition of the adjoining building. Security fences have been placed around the building to restrict access.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Salvation Army has been helping earthquake victims find food and shelter, as well as providing support to distraught and fearful people around Christchurch. Chris talked to Major Campbell Roberts, who is co-ordinating the Sallie's national response.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The damaged cathedral is supported with steel bracing and cordoned off with fencing and barriers. Taken on a day when a walkway was opened up between Re:Start Mall and Cathedral Square to allow temporary public access.