Two damaged driveways on Acland Avenue in Avonside. Dried liquefaction can be seen in the gap between the two driveways, and behind them the ground has sunk. Weeds have grown through cracks in the concrete.
Ducks next to the flooded Avon River on Avonside Drive.
The water level of the Avon River is higher than normal along Avonside Drive.
A badly-damaged bridge between Avonside Drive and River Road in Avonside.
The letterbox of a property on Avonside Drive. Someone has written "EQC" on it.
A house on Avonside Drive showing large cracks in its foundations and siding. A crack is also visible in the earth of the front lawn.
A woman standing beside a house on Avonside Drive that has been abandoned due to damage from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Its front garden has become overgrown.
The damaged chimney of a house on the corner of Galbraith Avenue and Avonside Drive. The top section of the chimney has fallen off and the whole chimney has moved away from the building's wall. The chimney has been weather proofed with a yellow tarpaulin.
Two damaged driveways on Acland Avenue in Avonside. Dried liquefaction can be seen in the gap between the two driveways, and behind them the ground has sunk. Weeds have grown through cracks in the concrete.
The letterbox of a property on Avonside Drive. Someone has written "EQC" on it.
A corner of Avonside Drive. A concrete block has been placed at the base of the power pole on the right.
A section of road on Avonside Drive showing damage from the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
The damaged chimney of a house on the corner of Galbraith Avenue and Avonside Drive. The top section of the chimney has fallen off and the whole chimney has moved away from the building's wall. The chimney has been weather proofed with a yellow tarpaulin.
The empty conservatory of house on Avonside Drive that has been abandoned due to damage from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The metal frame of the conservatory has bent and sections of glass have broken. Cracks can be seen in the building's foundation.
Concrete blocks that have been placed beside the road on Avonside Drive.
The letter box of a house on Avonside Drive.
Cracks in the road seal on Avonside Drive from the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A view across Robson Avenue in Avonside to a kerb that has collapsed as a result of the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A view down Galbraith Avenue in Avonside. The footpath and road have been cracked by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Small deposits of dry liquefaction silt can be seen on patches of the road.
Flooding and liquefaction in a residential property in Bexley.
Damage in the kitchen of a house in Bexley.
Damage in the kitchen of a house in Bexley.
Woman holding a goldfish rescued from a house in Bexley.
Liquefaction and flooding on Gayhurst Road. The road is lined with road cones.
Liquefaction and flooding on Gayhurst Road. The road is lined with road cones.
A footpath on Avonside Drive showing cracking from the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A wading bird at the Hulverstone Reserve in Avondale.
A damaged house with cracks down the wall sits on an uneven surface.
Damage to a block of flats, with silt from liquefaction around the footpath, and road cones outside the property. The fence has been spray painted with the words "All units damaged. Keep out".
The fence of a house on Robson Avenue in Avonside. Part of the breeze-block section at its base has collapsed in the 4 September 2010 earthquake, leaving only the timber part above it.