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Audio, Radio New Zealand

A protest is underway outside insurance company Vero's Christchurch's office, with building owners dismayed to be still fighting for earthquake repairs 10 years on.  The protest was organised by the owners of an 11 unit apartment block in New Brighton, who says Vero is purposefully delaying progress to wear them down.  RNZ's reporter Rachel Graham is at the protest and spoke to Meriana Johnsen   

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Aftermath of the earthquake in Christchurch where the cleanup has begun. Shoreham Courts, City Council owned flats on Admirals Way in New Brighton are an island of isolation with no water or sewerage although all around them have. Lorraine Burrows, left, her son, Jamie, 8, right, and Charllisa Sutton-Taylor, centre".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the Ozone Hotel's sign, leaning against a cordon fence. The photographer comments, "This sign was all that remained after the demolition of the historical Ozone Hotel, which was damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. The sign disappeared so hopefully it will reappear at a later date in a museum. The bits of blue were the painted bricks of the hotel, which made it really stand out".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Aftermath of the earthquake in Christchurch where the cleanup has begun. Shoreham Courts, City Council owned flats on Admirals Way in New Brighton are an island of isolation with no water or sewerage although all around them have. Lorraine Burrows, centre left, her son, Jamie, 8, left, Charllisa Sutton-Taylor and Oceana Rawiri at right".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of a light fitting outside the former Ozone Hotel in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "The broken light fitting is on the Ozone Hotel, which is red stickered after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch. They will need to fix the building before this light gets a new bulb. The distinct blue colour seen is what made the Ozone stand out on Marine Parade".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A demon mask hangs from a brick chimney in New Brighton. Some of the bricks at the base of the chimney appear to have moved. The photographer comments, "Since the September earthquake brick chimneys have been tumbling down. I do not know if this was put up to ward off shaking of the chimney during earthquakes, but it seems to be working. This chimney has now been taken down at the end of March 2012 and replaced with a simple metal flue".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A large chess board made from sand and broken shells, with a painted beach scene on the wall behind. The photographer comments, "After all the suggestions put on the wall on what to do in this area, which was once an earthquake damaged shop, they have made the chess board, painted a seaside scene on the wall and created a small wall of tyres".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the sun shining through a stand of pine trees in New Brighton. Some of the trees are on a lean. The photographer comments, "Due to the Christchurch earthquakes and the land subsiding in this area the trees in this area will nearly all be cut down. So these may be the last tall trees to bathe in the sunshine for decades to come".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digger demolishing the Ozone Dressing Sheds building. The photographer comments, "This is the end of the Ozone Dressing Sheds built in 1914. The two storey Ozone Cafe, which was a hotel, will be given it's coup de grace on Friday. They were gutted in a spectacular fire in 1922, but were unable to be saved after the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Gerry Brownlee is the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister. Hugo Kristinsson is a South Brighton resident who stood for mayor last year on the issue of flood risk and land damage. David Stringer is the spokesperson for the community lobby group Insurance Watch - which has been seeking answers from the council since 2011 about the flood risk to the city. Nine to Noon speaks with all three about the recent flooding in Christchurch.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Some of Christchurch's earthquake damaged red-zone land is another step closer to having some long term decisions made about its future. Today the Minister of Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Megan Woods, formally handed over ownership of 70 hectares of land to the Christchurch City Council. The land gifted to the council is in the coastal suburbs of Southshore, South Brighton and Brooklands, where residents have been waiting almost a decade to find out what the future holds for their area. Rachel Graham reports

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Dried liquefaction silt in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "This is the the top layer of liquefaction that has dried up in the hot sun. A broken eggshell is around 5 times stronger than these, but a fallen leaf is just not enough to break one. You can see underneath that the heavier sandy layer of liquefaction has dried and has cracked as well".

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The permanent closure (to motor vehicles) of the Bexley red zone streets has started. This was once the main south-north route just west of the Avon River in the New Brighton area, till an expressway (ring road) was built about 80m to the west (right) about 12-13 years ago. Then it became just another suburban street, but now all the houses ...

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A paint-splattered chair sits in front of a brightly-coloured piano painted with a cat's face, part of Gap Filler's Painted Piano Project. The photographer comments, "Gap filler I believe has created three sites filled with a stage area, seating and a piano. This one is at the Junction of Bower Ave and Marine Parade on the site of the demolished TJs Kazbah and opposite the now demolished Ozone. They have really brightened the corner up and we just need a few people to gather and have a nice night of it".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A small wooden cross is inserted between stones laid out in the shape of a large cross. The photographer comments, "This is an Earthquake Memorial on Manchester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand. This message is on the tree next to the memorial: 'Earthquake Memorial. 185 people died as a result of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. 185 precious lives are remembered here, with 185 pieces of Halswell stone recovered from St Luke's Church, damaged beyond repair on that day. May they rest in peace. St Luke's in the City'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Dried liquefaction silt in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "This is the result of liquefaction which spewed out after the double earthquake in Christchurch. Having flowed into a shallow depression that was deep enough for a fair quantity of the silty liquid to settle and separate: the heavy sand below and a talcum powder like substance on top. Some of these are so delicate that a mouse crossing them would probably crack them. Here the sun has dried them out and they have contracted and curled up towards their centres".

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

With sea level rise (SLR) fast becoming one of the most pressing matters for governments worldwide, there has been mass amounts of research done on the impacts of SLR. However, these studies have largely focussed on the ways that SLR will impact both the natural and built environment, along with how the risk to low-lying coastal communities can be mitigated, while the inevitable impacts that this will have on mental well-being has been understudied. This research has attempted to determine the ways in which SLR can impact the mental well-being of those living in a low-lying coastal community, along with how these impacts could be mitigated while remaining adaptable to future environmental change. This was done through conducting an in-depth literature review to understand current SLR projections, the key components of mental well-being and how SLR can influence changes to mental well-being. This literature review then shaped a questionnaire which was distributed to residents of the New Brighton coastline. This questionnaire asked respondents how they interact with the local environment, how much they know about SLR and its associated hazards, whether SLR causes any level of stress or worry along with how respondents feel that these impacts could be mitigated. This research found that SLR impacts the mental well-being of those living in low-lying coastal communities through various methods: firstly, the respondents perceived risk to SLR and its associated hazards, which was found to be influenced by the suburbs that respondents live in, their knowledge of SLR, their main sources of information and the prior experience of the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES). Secondly, the financial aspects of SLR were also found to be drivers of stress or worry, with depreciating property values and rising insurance premiums being frequently noted by respondents. It was found that the majority of respondents agreed that being involved in and informed of the protection process, having more readable and accurate information, and an increased engagement with community events and greenspaces would help to reduce the stress or worry caused by SLR, while remaining adaptable to future environmental change.

Videos, NZ On Screen

New Brighton beach in Christchurch: Peter Donnelly is busy creating art, art with a lifespan that can be measured in hours. Using a rake and a piece of wood, Donnelly draws elaborate artworks in the sand - more than 700 of them to date. "I bring something to life, and then its life is over, and at the end of the four hours it wants to go, it's worn out ... it just wants to be gifted, and it goes to the sea." Beautifully shot by director Peter Young, this Artsville documentary captures Donnelly both in action, and musing on the beauty of impermanence.