Includes information about events held at the Pallet Pavilion.
Workers seen through a gap between wooden pallets in GapFiller's Pallet Pavillion. The photographer comments, "Though it looks strange and Photoshopped this is a straight shot through pallets painted blue. The Pallet Pavilion is built on the site of the demolished Crowne Plaza Hotel. It was built by volunteers, mainly students and construction engineers over 6 weeks. Here students are being given health and safety instructions before helping out on completing the temporary structure".
A plan depicting the layout of Gap Filler Project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
A chart indicating hire costs for Gap Filler project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
A plan depicting the possible furnishing layouts of Gap Filler Project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
A new installation.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 2 January 2013 entitled, "Pallet Pavilion".
A documented outling the terms and conditions of hiring Gap Filler project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
A PDF copy of pages 52-53 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'The Gap Filler Summer Pallet Pavilion'. Render: Yun Kong Sung
A photograph of people painting wooden pallets, to be used for the Lyttelton Pentanque Club.
A photograph of foam blocks and tires stacked on wooden pallets on the site of Foamapalooza.
Damaged buildings surrounded by security fencing on Lichfield Street. Wooden pallets have been lined up along the road.
A photograph of volunteers standing beside a fence made from wooden pallets, at the site of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A photograph of a window of the Cranmer Centre. The masonry around the windows has been removed and placed on pallets below.
A photograph of the eastern corner of the Cranmer Centre. The masonry around the windows has been removed and placed on pallets below.
A video of a tour of Lion Nathan's Canterbury Brewery, where employees are cleaning up after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The video shows footage of Lion Nathan employees clearing away pallets of broken bottles and mopping up spilt beer. It also includes an interview with Neil Hinton, Lion Nathan Corporate Affairs Director, about the beer which has been sent down from Auckland, and the help they are giving to the City Mission.
A photograph of an archway, removed from above a window of the Cranmer Centre and placed on a pallet in front of the building.
A photograph of a detail in an archway, removed from above a window of the Cranmer Centre and placed on a pallet in front of the building.
A photograph of a detail in an archway, removed from above a window of the Cranmer Centre and placed on a pallet in front of the building.
A faded sign reading, 'McCormic Reapers & Binders' painted onto the side of a brick building, revealed by the demolition of the adjoining building. Wooden pallets have been placed at the front of the building.
A photograph of "E Arch" written on the bottom of an archway, removed from above a window of the Cranmer Centre and placed on a pallet in front of the building.
Is it to "ward" off evil spirits?.