Transcript of Nelson's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Laurie Hill's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Summary of oral history interview with Roman about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Transcript of Sherrilee's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A story submitted by Aaron Schulz to the QuakeStories website.
The connections between walls of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings and flexible timber diaphragms are critical building components that must perform adequately before desirable earthquake response of URM buildings may be achieved. Field observations made during the initial reconnaissance and the subsequent damage surveys of clay brick URM buildings following the 2010/2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes revealed numerous cases where anchor connections joining masonry walls or parapets with roof or floor diaphragms appeared to have failed prematurely. These observations were more frequent for adhesive anchor connections than for through-bolt connections (i.e., anchorages having plates on the exterior facade of the masonry walls). Subsequently, an in-field test program was undertaken in an attempt to evaluate the performance of adhesive anchor connections between unreinforced clay brick URM walls and roof or floor diaphragm. The study consisted of a total of almost 400 anchor tests conducted in eleven existing URM buildings located in Christchurch, Whanganui and Auckland. Specific objectives of the study included the identification of failure modes of adhesive anchors in existing URM walls and the influence of the following variables on anchor load-displacement response: adhesive type, strength of the masonry materials (brick and mortar), anchor embedment depth, anchor rod diameter, overburden level, anchor rod type, quality of installation, and the use of metal mesh sleeves. In addition, the comparative performance of bent anchors (installed at an angle of minimum 22.5° to the perpendicular projection from the wall surface) and anchors positioned horizontally was investigated. Observations on the performance of wall-to-diaphragm connections in the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes, a summary of the performed experimental program and test results, and a proposed pull-out capacity relationship for adhesive anchors installed into multi-leaf clay brick masonry are presented herein. AM - Accepted Manuscript
Summary of oral history interview with Susan Allen about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Transcript of David Penney's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
The magnitude 7.1 Christchurch earthquake broke off an enormous chunk of Castle Rock in the Port Hills which has tumbled down towards the Lyttelton tunnel. View from Morgan's Valley (-43.578037° 172.714828°).
Transcript of Harry Kitkevics's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Owen Macintyre's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 6 June 2014
The earthquake knocked over the bird bath.
Debra points at the beginnings of a sand volcano not long after the big earthquake.
A pdf transcript of Participant number LY677's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project. Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Josie Hepburn.
A story submitted by Rosie Belton to the QuakeStories website.
A pdf transcript of Danny's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project. Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Josie Hepburn.
A video recording of a lecture presented by Professor Jarg Pettinga and Dr Mark Quigley as part of the 2011 University of Canterbury Earthquake Lecture Series.