The earthquake in Canterbury is likely to result in rate rises.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 21 December 2013 entitled, "Bold and Beguiling".
Cartoon shows a mechanic asking his boss for a pay rise. Text reads 'Like the Christchurch Council CEO - I've also been working hard. Would I be cheeky to ask for a $68,000 pay rise?'. Context: Christchurch City Council Chief Executive Officer Tony Marryatt ended up turning down a pay rise of $68,000 following the outcry when the fact was made public. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
An entry from Sue Davidson's blog for 5 February 2014 entitled, "Oi You Street Art - Rise".
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 22 December 2013 entitled, "Rise Festival Big Walls Artists".
A photograph of street art above the Hereford Street entrance to the YMCA. The artwork was created by 'Drapl' as part of the RISE Festival.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 13 December 2013 entitled, "Mysterious Mural".
Park Terrace and Salisbury Street in Christchurch will be blocked off today ahead of the staged demolition of two high rise apartment blocks.
One music CD entitled 'Te Huaki Puanaki presents Ōtautahi Christchurch Rise Up' featuring three songs in response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake. This music CD titled ‘Te Huaki Puanaki presents Ōtautahi Christchurch Rise Up’ symbolically records the changes, emotions and challenges faced by the people of Canterbury following the 2010-2011 e...
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
A photograph of street art on the side wall of Canterbury Museum. The artwork was created by Belgian street artist 'ROA' as part of the RISE Festival.
Insurance premiums look set to rise by up to a third and even more to meet the cost of the Christchurch earthquakes and other disasters overseas.
Shell shocked residents still picking up the pieces in one of the worst earthquake affected parts of Canterbury, say a looming rates rise to pay for repairs will cripple them.
A banner reading, 'Rise up Christchurch' flying above the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service. The service was held in Hagley Park on 18 March 2011.
A photograph of street art above the Hereford Street entrance to the YMCA. The artwork was created by 'Paulie' as part of the RISE Festival. It depicts Nelson Mandela.
A photograph of street art above the Hereford Street entrance to the YMCA. The artwork was created by 'Paulie' as part of the RISE Festival. It depicts Nelson Mandela.
With sea level rise (SLR) fast becoming one of the most pressing matters for governments worldwide, there has been mass amounts of research done on the impacts of SLR. However, these studies have largely focussed on the ways that SLR will impact both the natural and built environment, along with how the risk to low-lying coastal communities can be mitigated, while the inevitable impacts that this will have on mental well-being has been understudied. This research has attempted to determine the ways in which SLR can impact the mental well-being of those living in a low-lying coastal community, along with how these impacts could be mitigated while remaining adaptable to future environmental change. This was done through conducting an in-depth literature review to understand current SLR projections, the key components of mental well-being and how SLR can influence changes to mental well-being. This literature review then shaped a questionnaire which was distributed to residents of the New Brighton coastline. This questionnaire asked respondents how they interact with the local environment, how much they know about SLR and its associated hazards, whether SLR causes any level of stress or worry along with how respondents feel that these impacts could be mitigated. This research found that SLR impacts the mental well-being of those living in low-lying coastal communities through various methods: firstly, the respondents perceived risk to SLR and its associated hazards, which was found to be influenced by the suburbs that respondents live in, their knowledge of SLR, their main sources of information and the prior experience of the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES). Secondly, the financial aspects of SLR were also found to be drivers of stress or worry, with depreciating property values and rising insurance premiums being frequently noted by respondents. It was found that the majority of respondents agreed that being involved in and informed of the protection process, having more readable and accurate information, and an increased engagement with community events and greenspaces would help to reduce the stress or worry caused by SLR, while remaining adaptable to future environmental change.
Actor Tony Robinson at the "I hope Christchurch will..." blackboard, a mural on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets. Members of the public were invited to fill in the gaps with what they would like to see in the rebuilt city. Messages can be seen, such as, "I want sun!", "Embrace the new", "Retain its unique character", "Rise, and rise, and rise", "Rebuild to be better and stronger than before!" and "Environmentally friendly".
An infographic detailing pay rises received by Tony Marryatt.
Crowds at the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service. More than 40,000 people attended the memorial service in Hagley Park on 18 March 2011. A banner reading, 'Rise up Christchurch' is flying above the crowd.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 17 August 2014 entitled, "The 'Sure to Rise' quilt".The entry was downloaded on 3 November 2016.
A graphic showing University of Canterbury fee rises for 2013.
A graphic explaining a proposed rates rise and earthquake levy.
A word cloud illustrating reactions to Tony Marryatt's pay rise.
Police have confirmed the death toll from the Christchurch earthquake has risen.