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Audio, Radio New Zealand

As if the crumbling ceilings, broken sewage pipes and torn up roads weren't enough for the people of North Christchurch to deal with, now there's a new problem that may be caused by the September earthquake: Mosquitoes. Pines Beach and Kairaki residents say black clouds of mosquitoes are descending on them at dusk and dawn.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

When I lived in Christchurch back in 2004-2005, this was a building I went past on the bus every day to get to and from work in the city. After the big quake on 04/09/10 (7.1 magnitude), its been seriously damaged. As have many more of the shops in this area. Thankfully no lives were lost in the quake, and I'm glad I wasnt there to feel it eith...