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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Bill Robinson from Nikau Demolition Ltd talking about the demolition equipment the company is using in the Christchurch central city Red Zone. Robinson explains the need to check the welds of the crane arms each day, and the need for larger jaws on some demolition projects. He also explains the crane controls.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Over 900 buildings in the Christchurch central business district and 10,000 residential homes were demolished following the 22nd of February 2011 Canterbury earthquake, significantly disrupting the rebuild progress. This study looks to quantify the time required for demolitions during this event which will be useful for future earthquake recovery planning. This was done using the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) demolition database, which allowed an in-depth look into the duration of each phase of the demolition process. The effect of building location, building height, and the stakeholder which initiated the demolition process (i.e. building owner or CERA) was investigated. The demolition process comprises of five phases; (i) decision making, (ii) procurement and planning, (iii) demolition, (iv) site clean-up, and (v) completion certification. It was found that the time required to decide to demolish the building made up majority of the total demolition duration. Demolition projects initiated by CERA had longer procurement and planning durations, but was quicker in other phases. Demolished buildings in the suburbs had a longer decision making duration, but had little effect on other phases of the demolition process. The decision making and procurement and planning phases of the demolition process were shorter for taller buildings, though the other phases took longer. Fragility functions for the duration of each phase in the demolition process are provided for the various categories of buildings for use in future studies.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A sign on a cordon fence on St Asaph Street reads "Stop. You must be inducted before entry." The photographer comments, "Safety comes first when it comes to demolition in the earthquake red zone in Christchurch, New Zealand".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a high-reach excavator demolishing a building. The photographer comments, "After the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand the demolition of most of the City Centre began. After two years the government thought that the progress was far too slow, so began the start of the automatic demolition. Luckily when the solar powered demolition machines started to cause indiscriminate death and destruction they were isolated to the South Island and unable to cross the seas".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Wendy Rushworth, whose house was fenced off despite not being scheduled for demolition. Falcon Construction accidently added Rushworth's property to a list of homes ready for demolition. The company has since apologised to Rushworth and removed the fencing.