
found 36 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of two workers walking down Gloucester Street. To the right, the earthquake-damaged Canterbury Times and Star Building can be seen. A car parked in front has been crushed by falling debris.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Base Packpackers building behind the former Canterbury Times building on Gloucester Street. The corner of Base Backpackers has collapsed, exposing a bunkroom inside. Scaffolding has been constructed up the side of the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an alleyway between Gloucester Street and Cathedral Square. There is a pile of rubble near the end of the alleyway, fallen from the earthquake-damaged Base Backpackers building, behind the former Canterbury Times building on Gloucester Street. Scaffolding has also been constructed up the side of Base Backpackers.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a car on Gloucester Street which has been crushed by falling bricks from the Canterbury Times and Star building. There is a pile of bricks on the front of the car. A USAR team have spray-painted codes on a plywood board and wedged it into the back of the car.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of an advertisement for the All Right? 'Compliments' campaign that appeared in The Christchurch Star on 6 December 2013. The advertisement reads, "You make the tough times better. Canterbury's been through a lot. Let's remember it's often the simple things that bring the most joy." The advertisement also includes the web address of the All Right? Facebook page.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The operation of telecommunication networks is critical during business as usual times, and becomes most vital in post-disaster scenarios, when the services are most needed for restoring other critical lifelines, due to inherent interdependencies, and for supporting emergency and relief management tasks. In spite of the recognized critical importance, the assessment of the seismic performance for the telecommunication infrastructure appears to be underrepresented in the literature. The FP6 QuakeCoRE project “Performance of the Telecommunication Network during the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence” will provide a critical contribution to bridge this gap. Thanks to an unprecedented collaboration between national and international researchers and highly experienced asset managers from Chorus, data and evidences on the physical and functional performance of the telecommunication network after the Canterbury Earthquakes 2010-2011 have been collected and collated. The data will be processed and interpreted aiming to reveal fragilities and resilience of the telecommunication networks to seismic events

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Tsunami events including the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami confirmed the need for Pacific-wide comprehensive risk mitigation and effective tsunami evacuation planning. New Zealand is highly exposed to tsunamis and continues to invest in tsunami risk awareness, readiness and response across the emergency management and science sectors. Evacuation is a vital risk reduction strategy for preventing tsunami casualties. Understanding how people respond to warnings and natural cues is an important element to improving evacuation modelling techniques. The relative rarity of tsunami events locally in Canterbury and also globally, means there is limited knowledge on tsunami evacuation behaviour, and tsunami evacuation planning has been largely informed by hurricane evacuations. This research aims to address this gap by analysing evacuation behaviour and movements of Kaikōura and Southshore/New Brighton (coastal suburb of Christchurch) residents following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Stage 1 of the research is engaging with both these communities and relevant hazard management agencies, using a survey and community workshops to understand real-event evacuation behaviour during the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake and subsequent tsunami evacuations. The second stage is using the findings from stage 1 to inform an agent-based tsunami evacuation model, which is an approach that simulates of the movement of people during an evacuation response. This method improves on other evacuation modelling approaches to estimate evacuation times due to better representation of local population characteristics. The information provided by the communities will inform rules and interactions such as traffic congestion, evacuation delay times and routes taken to develop realistic tsunami evacuation models. This will allow emergency managers to more effectively prepare communities for future tsunami events, and will highlight recommended actions to increase the safety and efficiency of future tsunami evacuations.