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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Aerial footage of a site in Avondale where several liquefaction remediation options are being tested. Gelignite explosives have been buried throughout the site. These will be set off to simulate liquefaction caused by an earthquake. The result, if successful, will help EQC protect people's houses from future earthquakes, and settle land claims. The video was recorded using a drone aircraft.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Doug Sexton holding a memento of his house at 378 Oxford Terrace. The memento was created by artist Sarah Brown for the Shared Lines Sendai/Christchurch Art Exchange. Brown used found objects from Doug Sexton's house to create this artwork in a tobacco tin.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of students from Merrin School laying 185 flowers at the foot of the school flag pole on the second anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Each flower represents one of the lives lost in the earthquake. The video also includes audio from the school's memorial service, including a poem by Alexis Blackie read by her sister Vanessa Blackie, and a speech by Principal Lisa Dillon-Robertson.