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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Today Dr Grant Morris talks to Jesse about the destruction of major settlements in New Zealand history. He's just returned from a trip to Christchurch where he saw a lot of what has been built since their devastating earthquakes and what still needs to be constructed. Today he looks back on two famous historic examples of New Zealand settlements that were partially destroyed by earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Residents of Christchurch's coastal suburbs around New Brighton are being promised they won't have to wait another decade for an urgently needed new bridge. The existing one is a critical emergency escape route but is almost 100 years old and suffered significant damage in the 2011 earthquake. And as Timothy Brown reports, plans for an upgrade are grinding slowly ahead.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Maurice and I tells the surprisingly moving story of two of the most successful architects in New Zealand - Sir Miles Warren and Maurice Mahoney - their life, their times, and their struggle to save their most famous building after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Film and TV reviewer Perlina Lau joins Kathryn to talk about murder mystery The Perfect Couple (Netflix), starring Nicole Kidman and Eve Hewson. She'll also talk about documentary Maurice and I (cinemas) that celebrates Sir Miles Warren and Maurice Mahoney's hugely influential architectural partnership, and impact the Christchurch earthquakes had on their legacy. And A Very Royal Scandal (Prime Video) is the second recent production that goes behind the scenes of the damaging interview Prince Andrew gave over his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. Perlina Lau is co-host of RNZ's Culture 101 programme.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Is Christchurch about to dethrone Wellington as the country's new capital of cool? Locals say Otautahi is becoming a hipper, more culturally vibrant place after it was devastated by earthquakes more than a decade ago. University students are coming in their droves, with the city offering affordability and an abundance of things to do, Adam Burns reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

On today's First Up pod: The fallout from the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury continues - Henry Riley joined First Up from London, an overnight earthquake and the world's worst pollution - Anas Mallick reports from Pakistan, Waikato is our neighbourhood this week - Natalie Akoorie is RNZ's eyes and ears in Hamilton, and Treaty of Waitangi expert Dr Aroha Harris tells Nathan Rarere that Treaty Principles have been around since our founding document was signed. First Up - Voice of the Nathan!

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Gulls are well known for swooping in and flogging food off your plate or picnic and now they are making a complete menace of themselves in Christchurch's New Regent street. Local businesses are being over-run by the red and black-billed gulls that are nesting on the rooves of buildings along the street, swooping and pooping all over the place. It's not the first time they've invaded, they started breeding in 2019 in an earthquake damaged building on the corner of Armagh and New Regent streets. The problem is both the red and black-billed gulls are protected. Casey Alderson from Belle Cafe spoke to Lisa Owen.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

<strong>Natural disasters are often unpredictable and are happening frequently. Some natural disasters cause damage to communities, resulting in displaced individuals. Due to this there is a need for shelter, however, there are many unknown factors. These include unknown demographics, a strain on time, cost, and resources, and the unknown location. This study begins by identifying a lack of identity and personality in existing post-disaster shelter designs, including the example of Linwood Park from the Christchurch 2011 earthquake. Further research shows the lack of personalisation within shelters, along with addressing key requirements needed for shelters. While providing the basic needs is essential, this thesis also addresses how personalisation can impact a space. Taking bach architecture as a driver for a basic, yet unique approach to temporary accommodation, Lake Clearwater Settlement was used as a case study. Through surveys, interviews, and a reflective design process, the importance of embracing identity emerges as a key element in fostering dignity, livelihood, and a sense of self in displaced individuals.</strong>This thesis explores innovative approaches to post-disaster shelter design with a focus on accommodating the unique needs and individuality of displaced individuals. From challenging conventional shelter concepts to embracing self-design and community involvement, the research addresses the question of how interior and exterior features can cater to the diverse requirements of those affected by natural disasters.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

<strong>Sea level rise is one consequence of Earth’s changing climate. Century-long tide gauge records show that global-mean sea-level rise reached 11-16 cm during the twentieth century at a mean rate of 1.2 mm/y. Today, the average rate of global-mean sea-level rise is higher at 3-4 mm/y and is expected to increase in the future. This represents a hazard to low elevation coastal zones worldwide. Yet, before global sea level projections can be used to characterise future coastal flood hazard at a local scale, the effects of tectonics (and other processes) that drive vertical land motion (VLM) must be considered. VLM is defined as the vertical velocity (uplift or subsidence) of the solid surface with respect to the centre of Earth. In this study, new VLM maps are generated over coastal strips in New Zealand, using Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS data.</strong>In New Zealand, measuring VLM using InSAR on naturally vegetated or agricultural land is difficult due to signal decorrelation. Along the rural Bay of Plenty coastal strip, I use a persistent-scatterer approach to generate a VLM map from both east-looking ascending and west-looking descending Sentinel-1 data between 2015-2021. Using time-series data over the same time period from a dense network of 20 GNSS sensors, I tie InSAR-derived line-of-sight velocity to the 2014 ITRF reference frame. I test two different methods for measuring VLM and compare the results against GNSS vertical velocity along the Bay of Plenty coast. Best results are achieved by first removing the interpolated horizontal GNSS velocity field from each of the InSAR datasets, before averaging the two VLM estimates. Measured VLM is between -3 and 3 mm/y, with negative values (subsidence) occurring within the low-lying Rangitāiki Plain and Ōpōtiki valley, and uplift across the elevated region west of Matatā.This thesis integrates geomorphological, geological, and historical levelling VLM records with modern satellite datasets to assess VLM across timescales ranging from 10 to 100,000 years at Matatā. Uplift rate has been variable through time, with average uplift over the last 300,000 years of 1 mm/y, 4.5 mm/y since 1720 years, 2 mm/y between 1950-1978, and 10 mm/y between 2004-2011. Previous modelling has shown that the best fit to the 2004-2011 rapid uplift rates is an inflating magmatic source at ~10 km depth beneath Matatā. To reconcile all data, I present a VLM model that consists of short-lived periods (7 years) of rapid uplift (10 mm/y), separated by longer periods (30 years) of lower background uplift (3 mm/y). The episodic nature of VLM at Matatā likely reflects short-lived periods of magmatic intrusion. Episodic VLM characterised by large rates of uplift (10 mm/y) has been seen at Taupō volcano, and other volcanic centers globally. It has been 12 years since the end of the last intrusion episode; this modelling suggest one may expect to observe increased uplift rates at Matatā in the coming decades. Densely populated urban coastal strips are most at risk from the effects of relative sea-level rise. At the same time, anthropogenic activities associated with urbanization, such as groundwater withdrawal, and land reclamation can lead to local land subsidence (LLS), further exacerbating the risk to urban infrastructure. LLS refers to subsidence relative to nearby land area assumed to be stable. In this thesis, I create the first high-resolution (10 m) maps of LLS at six urban coastal strips in New Zealand, with a combined length of 285 km, using Sentinel-1 InSAR data between 2018-2021. This analysis reveals 89% of urban coastal strips are subsiding at rates of -0.5 mm/y or greater, and 11% is subsiding at higher rates of -3.0 mm/y or greater. On average, subsidence is -0.6 to -2.9 mm/y higher at the coastal strip, compared to inland areas occupied by GNSS stations. This analysis also documents highly-localised hotspots of LLS, with subsidence rates of up to -15 mm/y. In Christchurch, rapid and localised subsidence (-8 mm/y) is observed within coastal suburbs New Brighton and Southshore. In most cities, the highest subsidence rates occur on land reclaimed in the early-late twentieth century, and in areas built on Holocene sediment. Time-series analysis of LLS at sites of reclaimed land shows both linear and non-linear rates of deformation over time periods of up to 6-8 years. This thesis highlights the variable exposure to relative sea-level rise of New Zealand coastal strips, and demonstrates that in many cases current rates of VLM should be expected to continue for the next few decades.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

For over a decade, an irreplaceable ring laser has been trapped in a cavern 30m below Christchurch port hills. The Carl Zeiss laser was installed in an old World War Two bunker in 1997 until a rockfall after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake sealed the cavern. But now it's been rescued and is fully operational. Professor Jon-Paul Wells is the principal investigator on the ring laser project.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Ali Jones & Shane Te Pou to discuss No Pay Day - the day that women in Aotearoa effectively begin working for free. Plus the reopening of Christchurch Cathedral. Ali Jones is a communication adviser / writer/Broadcaster/ Christchurch earthquake claims preparer. Shane Te Pou is a former labour party activist and CEO of Mega

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Ali Jones & Shane Te Pou to discuss: President Biden pardoning his son Hunter, and Avian Flu outbreak in Otago and news from the Labour party conference. Ali Jones is a communication adviser / writer/Broadcaster/ Christchurch earthquake claims preparer. Shane Te Pou is a former labour party activist and CEO of Mega