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Images, UC QuakeStudies

The Wizard of Christchurch, who has launched a campaign to save the Christ Church Cathedral from demolition. Taken on a day when a walkway was opened up between Re:Start Mall and Cathedral Square to allow temporary public access.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A sign above the closed shutter of a building in Wainoni reads "Open 7 days". The photographer comments, "A Sunday afternoon ride to New Brighton, then back via Aranui, Wainoni, Dallington, and Richmond. Not a cheerful experience. Open 7 days. This Wainoni car parts shop was definitely not open today".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

Caption reads: "We were the only people around here for a long time. All of our neighbours moved out. It wont be long until Bexley is empty, and after that it will be gone."