Reinforcing the apex of the clocktower gable.
Edgeware Supervalue Supermarket being demolished after the 6.3 magnitude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011.
Sadly the Chapel has been badly damaged in the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. See below. The Rose Historic Chapel formerly St Mary’s Convent Chapel is the sole survivor of a group of heritage buildings in Christchurch that once comprised the St Mary’s Convent complex for the Sisters of Mercy in North Colombo St...
Post the earthquakes land has sunk and in this case the track is below high tide level. It would have been at least 500mm above the highest tide level prior to the recent earthquakes that started on 04/09/10.
Here's Prarie, outside our flat, the day after the 7.1 earthquake hit Christchurch. You see the damage to the street, which continued through our flat. We were forced to move out once an engineer examined the cracks in our balcony, walls, floors, and ceilings, and told us the building was unsafe for living. One crack ran from the street, pres...
The center of the river has slumped and the two banks have moved about a meter closer together which caused this footbridge to be so twisted. There is a suggestion that this be left as a memorial to the earthquake.
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
St Martins Library Taken several days after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. Processed in HDR to capture some of the "feeling" when thinking about the loss of lives when the quake hit.
Looking across to the Town Hall. Will it stay or will it go?
When I was a kid this bit of land in the foreground was level and extended at least three times further out, but after the earthquakes you can see the angle that land near the river slumped. We used to catch a lot of herrings (yellow -eyed mullet) here when I was a kid, hence the local name of Herring Bay. Across the river is the Bexley Wetlands.
Earthquake damage. As a result of the September 2010 earthquake, with further damage from the February 2011 event.
Workmen approach the elevator shaft of the CTV building - 05 March 2011 The CTV building claimed 115 lives when it collapsed in a pile of smoking rubble on 22 February 2011 during a 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch and only the lift shaft was left standing.
Cathedral Square walkway, Saturday 26 November.
Cathedral Square walkway, Saturday 26 November.