It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect. 113/115 - Natural Framing. In the middle of the rebuild, wall murals are everywhere is Christchurch. The framing is wire fence around ballet dancer, although there is plenty of evidence of framing/boxing around the foundations.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect. In this photo - the left hand building is on the way up, and the right hand building is on the way down.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect..
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect.
Porritt Park was, before the earthquakes, the headquarters of hockey in this region. Two astro-turf fields (the main one was other side of the building), and corporate offices etc. The earthquakes buckled all the playing surfaces and damaged the buildings; a couple of smaller ones have been removed. Hockey shifted the other side of the city t...
20160104_1602_7D2-20 Porritt Park Porritt Park was, before the earthquakes, the headquarters of hockey in this region. Two astro-turf fields (the main one was to the left of the building), and corporate offices etc. The earthquakes buckled all the playing surfaces and damaged the buildings; a couple of smaller ones have been removed. Hocke...
The permanent closure (to motor vehicles) of the Bexley red zone streets has started. This was once the main south-north route just west of the Avon River in the New Brighton area, till an expressway (ring road) was built about 80m to the west (right) about 12-13 years ago. Then it became just another suburban street, but now all the houses ...
The Forsyth Barr building has stood silent and empty (except the occasional intruder and pigeons) since the February 2011 earthquake. It was sold "as is" and I understand that it is now going to be fitted out as a hotel. This is the building that had severe stairwell damage during the quake necessitating people being lowered via ropes etc on t...
The South New Brighton jetty was rebuilt a couple of years before the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes wrecked it. Then, it was straight, level and all railings on left side were intact. Was closed to the public for about four years but is open now. #7221
This is a temporary pile of silt piled on the old Bexley landfill sight. Some trucks are addng to the pile, while other truck and trailer units are taking it away to the old Bottle Lake landfill sight, a few km to the north of here.
One of the most beautiful pieces of wall art (added to the blank walls after buildings were demolished following the earthquakes) in Christchurch, is now being hidden by a new building in front of it.