An entry from Deborah Fitchett's blog for 7 May 2014, posted to Dreamwidth. The entry is titled, "In which she submits her hatred of Riccarton Road".The entry was downloaded on 14 April 2015.
An interview with Chris Whitty, Site Manager at the Christchurch Arts Centre, about the recovery of the Townsend Telescope from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The interview was conducted by Sebastian Wilberforce.
A document describing the early warning system to alert team members of ground and structural movement at the Arch.
A document outlining the methodology for rebuilding horizontal infrastructure in the central city, covering wastewater (local reticulation and trunk), wastewater pump stations, storm water (local reticulation and trunk), potable water, roads, and bridges.
A document outlining how the rebuild of wastewater, water supply, storm water and roading infrastructure was to be managed and coordinated with other programmes of work in the central city.
A PDF copy of a spreadsheet used to identify the impacts of traffic management in the central city.
A diagram illustrating how the rebuild of the three waters and roading infrastructure was to be managed and coordinated with other programmes of work in the central city.
A document which outlines several of Downer's safety initiatives, developed when working in the Central Business District.
A bowtie diagram which SCIRT used to evaluate the risks associated with and analyse the causal relationships associated with service strikes.
A pdf copy of a presentation delivered at Building a Better New Zealand (BBNZ 2014) Conference. The presentation examines the relationship between innovation and productivity improvement in the construction industry.
A video of a CTV News broadcast of a Ministry of Women's Affairs initiative to attract more women into trades and construction related jobs.
A pdf copy of a spreadsheet tool used by designers to undertake a whole of life evaluation of rebuild options.
A paper for the SCIRT Board which requests that the Board provide support to SCIRT's Training Team with assisting to develop a civil trade qualification.
A presentation for the SCIRT Board which outlines the process that SCIRT's Training Team intended to take towards assisting with developing a civil trade qualification.
A paper describing the procedure and challenges associated with installing anchors through gabion baskets.
A magazine article which describes SCIRT's approach to training.
A paper which indexes standard SCIRT details and CSS details including all SCIRT details.
An example of a public flyer promoting good driver behaviour, handed out in areas of traffic detours or delays.
A pdf copy of a PowerPoint presentation which illustrates the locations where Duncan Gibb presented his Brunel lecture.
A brochure created for Beca Heritage Week 2014, outlining SCIRT's repair work on heritage structures in the Central City. It was handed out to members of the public at SCIRT's walk and talk tours.
A presentation given to St Martin's primary school students about SCIRT work in Opawa and Hillsborough.
A document describing the use of a remotely operated hydraulic jaw crusher to avoid the need to make confined space entries.
A web story about a site visit to the Bridge and Arch by local school pupils.
A document describing the confined spaces "dummy run".
A document describing Downer's approach to containing bentonite when drilling micro piles for the new Arch foundations.
A web story about the model design work by Christ's College pupils.
The text of a Pecha Kucha talk titled, "A working week in the Recovery Centre". The talk was given by Moya Sherrif, CCCRC Intern, at the Museums Aotearoa Conference on 4 April 2014.
A document made available to people attending Duncan Gibb's Brunel lecture.
A document containing examples of newsletters printed and distributed to the inner city businesses and residents, to prepare them for the upcoming SCIRT rebuild work and update them on the positive progress being made.
A document containing examples of items and activities SCIRT implemented as part of the programme to support businesses affected and disrupted by SCIRT central city rebuild work.