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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video capturing an aftershock from the Canterbury earthquake on 22 February 2011, 1:04pm. After the 6.3 magnitude earthquake at 12:51pm, Ben Post set up his camera on a tripod and left it running. The movement of the water in the fish tank during the quake suggests that the shaking is up and down. The camera also shows this effect; due to the lightweight material of the tripod, the camera is shaken about more than the surroundings.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The damaged Knox Church on Bealey Avenue. Bricks have fallen from the walls, exposing the wooden beams. The photographer comments, "You can now see how the old churches were constructed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a damaged bridge in Lake Terrace Road in Burwood. The photographer comments, "After the September earthquake this bridge was a little wonky, but you would cross it, possibly without fear, now though it is too far gone".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A large crack between a row of trees and the riverbank. A fence lining the riverbank has collapsed. The photographer comments, "On the 22 February 2011 we had an earthquake in Christchurch, which ripped us apart literally. This is what happened to the riverbank at New Brighton. Some trees stayed in place and others dropped 2 feet. The amazing thing was that they all stayed upright".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Digitally manipulated image of the damaged Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, superimposed with a seismograph trace. The photographer comments, "What we want to forget, but must remember".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Part of a stone wall left sticking out over the edge after the cliff below it collapsed. The photographer comments, "A viewing platform in Clifton has its foundations exposed after the cliff face collapsed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a portaloo. The photographer comments, "It seems that it was a bit of a lottery if your portaloo was ever cleaned and emptied after the Christchurch earthquakes".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A graffiti-style recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, depicting police officer Nao Yoshimizu comforting the grieving relative of an earthquake victim. The image has been further graffitied to hide the officer's uniform, and the original advertisement text ("You too can do something extraordinary. Become a cop.") altered to read "You too can do something ordinary. Become a human".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Graffiti of an angel clutching a bottle, accompanied by the text "Chritchurch (sic) living make a good man drink." The photographer comments, "Living in Christchurch during the earthquakes was hard on all of us. Some people got drunk to forget or blot out the aftershocks, whilst others dare not drink so that they would be in full control just in case another big earthquake/aftershock occurred. As of today 24 September 2011 there has been 8660 earthquakes/aftershocks in the Christchurch area".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The damaged Snell Place footbridge. A crack is visible at the apex of the span. The photographer comments, "Before the Christchurch earthquakes this bridge used to be just just 9 feet at high tide above the River Avon. Now with the ends pushed together it has probably moved up another 9 feet".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The damaged Christ's College Rowing Club building at Kerrs Reach. The building has visibly slumped to one side. The photographer comments, "This is the sad state of the building after 3 earthquakes has caused the rowing club to sink like a leaky boat".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A pothole in a road surface, showing tyre marks where a vehicle has driven through the hole. The photographer comments, "After the earthquake in Christchurch in February 2011 burst underground pipes and liquefaction caused unseen hollows under the road surfaces. Occasionally after all the rest have been exposed by traffic someone would find 'discover' a new one".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The claw of a digger. In the background is a stack of road cones. The photographer comments, "Digger Claw ready to start digging".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of a light fitting outside the former Ozone Hotel in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "The broken light fitting is on the Ozone Hotel, which is red stickered after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch. They will need to fix the building before this light gets a new bulb. The distinct blue colour seen is what made the Ozone stand out on Marine Parade".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers use a large water-blasting pipe to clear blocked drains. The photographer comments, "The Australian company Barry Bros Turned up very late at night to clean out our street drains of liquefaction".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A billboard on the side of the Christchurch Town Hall advertises a performance by Santana on Tuesday 22 March 2011. The photographer comments, "Due to the earthquake the previous month Carlos Santana cancelled the concert. He did return though for a concert on 17 March 2013".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digger being loaded onto the back of a truck. The photographer comments, "After clearing away the remains of a building in Christchurch, New Zealand destroyed by the February 22 earthquake the digger can now be transported to its next destination for destruction".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Graffiti on a damaged building on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "This street art has been unseen by the general Christchurch population as it was off limits in the Red Zone".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Rubble in front of a two-storey house on Peterborough Street, the brick side wall of which has fallen away, exposing the rooms inside. Further rubble from a neighbouring house lies in the foreground.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A worker uses a large water-blasting pipe to clear blocked drains. The photographer comments, "These guys worked really hard late at night to remove the liquefaction blocking our drains, but did not pre-warn people. Our elderly neighbour's toilet was drenched in water".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to The Bone Dude's Bone Carving Studio and Cultured Gallery on Fitzgerald Avenue. The brick wall is cracked, and the guttering has fallen. The photographer comments, "This building was damaged in the September earthquake in Christchurch. It was the Bone dude's bone carving studio. The motto on the wall was 'Carve your own' and it looks like the earthquakes did just that".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged brick building has wooden bracing holding the walls together. The photographer comments, "This building came through the September Christchurch quake with a few band aid plasters, but the February quake means that she is now DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)".