A graphic for an article about the status of Sumner Road and Evans Pass Road.
A map showing the locations of Maori language classes affected by proposed school closures.
A graph showing numbers of new home consents granted in Christchurch, Waimakariri and Selwyn.
A graphic for an article about Minister of Education Hekia Parata's visit to Christchurch schools.
A graphic giving the status of Bromley School.
A graphic promoting a discussion on press.co.nz of an article titled, "Pay rise 'looks inept', mayor admits".
A graphic promoting a discussion on press.co.nz of an article titled, "EQC slams Press article as disappointing".
A graphic promoting a discussion on press.co.nz of an article about the partial closure of Merivale Mall.
A map showing the route of a new road to the Burwood landfill site.
A timeline of events during the attempt to rescue Tamara Cvetanova from the CTV building.
A graphic for an article about a couple who have been red-zoned twice.
An incomplete graphic giving details about the proposed changes to the Hagley Park cricket oval.
An illustration for an article about the proposal to move New Zealand Cricket's offices from Christchurch to Auckland.
A map showing the location of heritage buildings in the residential red zone.
A map showing the route of a proposed coastal pathway between Scarborough and Ferrymead.
A graphic comparing photographs of Hereford Street taken before and after the earthquakes.
A page layout for a feature on showing visitors earthquake-affected areas of Christchurch.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Heritage bites dust".
A page banner promoting an article about the Fesitival of Transitional Architecture Lux City event.
A page banner promoting an article about a GapFiller event in Lyttelton.
The front page graphic for an advertising liftout in The Press titled, 'Downtown: A city that bounced back!'.
The front page graphic for the Mainlander section of The Press. The main headline reads, "A moment in time".
A graphic showing a proposed redevelopment of Sumner.
A graphic comparing house prices in the east and south-west of Christchurch.
A graphic promoting a feature on house prices on the press.co.nz website.
Graphs showing statistics on residential red zone demolitions.
Graphs showing the results of an opinion poll on rebuild priorities.
The front page graphic for the Your Weekend section of The Press. The main headline reads, "Safe as houses?".
The front page graphic for the At Home section of The Press. The main headline reads, "Looking ahead".
A graphic showing the temporary Fan Zone to be built in Hagley Park for the Rugby World Cup.