A page banner promoting an article about the reopening of the gondola.
A graphic for a Zone Life feature, encouraging readers to contribute their ideas for the red zone.
Graphs showing changes in economic activity, prices, and the labour market.
A graphic giving statistics on accidents involving cyclists and motor vehicles.
A table showing the results of a survey on insurance claims.
A graph showing changes in house prices in Canterbury and Westland.
A graphic illustrating quotes from young people about the central city.
A graphic giving details about the river park proposed in the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan.
A graphic promoting a discussion on press.co.nz of an article about the sister of earthquake victim Jamie Gilbert.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Pop-up stand? Softer option for Hagley Park oval".
A page banner promoting an article about Mayor Bob Parker's comments on Wellington's earthquake risk.
A graphic showing details of the window of the Transitional Cathedral.
The front page graphic for a feature marking the anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The feature is titled, "The year that was".
A page banner promoting a lift-out titled, "Land and new homes".
A map showing the location of green-zoned homes in the otherwise red-zoned Stour Drive.
A map showing the site of a proposed expansion of the University of Otago's medical school.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Hopes for High Street at a low".
A table giving figures for migration between South Canterbury and Australia.
A graphic for a Zone Life feature, encouraging readers to contribute stories to a memory map.
A chart giving numbers of environmental incidents reported to Environment Canterbury.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "New Regent Street plans on track".
Graphs comparing numbers of international students in Canterbury in 2004 and 2012.
Incomplete logos for a feature titled, "What makes our schools special".
A page banner promoting an article about The Concert.
A graphic showing 19th-century artifacts found during the demolition of a 1970s building.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Southshore's last hurrah".
A chart showing the status of rest home residents evacuated following the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The front page graphic for The Press. The main headline reads, 'A year for heroes'.
A graphic for a story about the Christchurch City Council's decision whether to extend a period of free parking in the central city.
A page layout for the contents page of the Your Weekend section of The Press.