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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Art on the sides of shipping containers along Main Road in Sumner. The shipping containers have been placed along the road to protect road users from the risk of falling rocks from the cliff above. ContainerArt is a project to beautify shipping containers around the city, turning the negative into a positive.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

Caption reads: "I lived in London all through the Blitz, you get used to these things. Living here after the earthquakes didn’t bother me. I had a small battery operated radio and the neighbour lent me her generator. Initially I used it to run the fridge but after a while I couldn’t get it started. I don’t want to move, to be quite honest. There’s nothing that will be able to replace the life I built here."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A shield on the side of one of the Wards Brewery buildings, also known as the Crichton Cobbers site. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "These decorative shields, which are still intact, are a good example of the fine workmanship that was found on this industrial complex of buildings".