A graphic showing the location of buildings at Timaru Hospital.
Graphs showing the status of properties where a review of zoning was requested.
A timeline of the CTV building.
A montage of photographs of the residential red zone.
A graphic for a Zone Life feature, encouraging readers to contribute stories to a memory map.
A graphic giving statistics on the zoning of properties in the Port Hills.
A page banner promoting an article about a proposal to revive New Brighton.
A map showing the status of properties in the Port Hills.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Hopes for High Street at a low".
A table giving figures for migration between South Canterbury and Australia.
The front page graphic for the Mainlander section of The Press. The main headline reads, "Just add water".
The left-hand section of a timeline of the CTV building.
A graphic for a Zone Life feature, encouraging readers to contribute stories to a memory map.
A page banner for a feature on the anniversary of the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A graphic for an article about a couple who have been red-zoned twice.
A chart giving numbers of environmental incidents reported to Environment Canterbury.
An incomplete graphic giving details about the proposed changes to the Hagley Park cricket oval.
An incomplete graphic giving details of Festival of Transitional Architecture events.
A table showing the status of EQC claims in South Canterbury.
An incomplete map showing the location of schools relative to new subdivisions.
An illustration of a proposal for Christ Church Cathedral.
A table giving statistics on injuries in the 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 earthquakes.
A map showing zone changes to previously orange-zoned properties.
An infographic describing the collapse of the CTV building.
A map showing the gathering point for a protest against the council.
A graphic promoting a video on press.co.nz titled, "Inside the red zone".
A page banner promoting earthquake-related articles.
A map showing the locations of businesses on the edge of the red zone.
A map showing the locations of businesses on the edge of the red zone.
An infographic describing the Department of Building and Housing guidelines for foundations on TC3 land.