Text reads 'The earth moved...... and so did the government's infrastructure spending estimate'. Centre cartoon is the text '$17 billion' set against the backdrop of a seismic graph. Context - Auckland and Christchurch have been given top priority in the Government's latest national infrastructure plan, with more than seven billion dollars of its $17 billion budget going to the two cities. NZ Council for Infrastructure chief executive Stephen Selwood says hes not surprised at the large amount of funding going to Auckland and Christchurch, saying its clear the Christchurch rebuild will require a major commitment and Aucklands continued growth also requires significant funding. (Source: www.3news.co.nz, 5 July 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text above reads 'Cathedral rebuild?... The cartoon shows the Christchurch Cathedral as a bouncy cathedral full of jumping children. Context - Debate about the rebuilding of the cathedral after it was severely damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. There is a strong view that it needs to remain an icon at the heart of the city. It may have to be brought down completely as engineers consider the future for the iconic building. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon depicts the Minister of Earthquakes Gerry Brownlee, with a portaloo in place of a head. He holds in his hand a document which reads 'Govt appointed quake panel (Shipley etc) paid twice normal fees: $1000 - 1400 daily'. A voice from inside the toilet says 'It's because they're high calibre people!' Context: Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee lobbied his colleagues to pay a Government-appointed panel more than twice the recommended rate because he claimed they would not do it for less - even though he never asked them. On Mr Brownlee's advice, the Cabinet more than doubled the pay rates for the panel from the recommended fees, which was a daily rate of $360 to $655 for the panel chairman and $270 to $415 for panel members. The Cabinet increased this to $1400 a day for the chairman and $1000 a day for the other members. (NZ Herald, 9 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The title reads 'Ellerslie Flower Show to return to Christchurch...' Below are nine cameos showing 'sinking violets', 'cracked chrysanthemums', 'pooey perrenials', 'rubble roses', 'portaloo poppies', 'munted marigolds', 'knackered natives', the 'lily of liquefaction' and 'wearable exhibits' which shows a woman wearing a toilet roll and carrying a spade. Context: The next Ellerslie International Flower Show will be staged in North Hagley Park from 7-11 March 2012. Following cancellation of the 2011 Show after the 22 February earthquake, Christchurch City Council has confirmed that the citys premier garden show will go ahead next year in the same venue as previous years. (http://www.ellerslieflowershow.co.nz/) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A woman walks through the snow in Christchurch and comments 'At least snow covers up ugly quake damage dear... Dear?' Her husband has disappeared into a hole that was covered in snow. Context: Heavy snow blanketed Christchurch today (Saturday 9 August) as the winter cold continued to be felt across both the North and South Islands. Snow began falling in Christchurch about 7am today and covered most of the city. (NZHerald: Aug 9 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Three people stand looking down at a small model of the 'Christchurch CBD'. One of the people says 'Love the safer low-rise plan What's the scale?' A second man says 'Scale? Er this is the actual size!' Context: Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker has dedicated the draft plan for a new-look Christchurch CBD to those lost in the February earthquake. The CBD will be about a quarter of its original size under the draft plan which was unanimously adopted by the council today. (TVNZ 11 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A small boy proudly tells his father 'Next month our class is donating all our pocket money to the quake fund'. His father, who is sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper with a headline that says 'Brownlee lavishes top dollar pay on quake panel' is so furious that steam pours out of his head. Context - The public has been very generous with donations to victims of the Christchurch earthquakes. Questions are now being asked about the Christchurch City Council's handling of consultants' contracts (to do with the rebuilding of the city after the earthquakes). City councillors have been questioning the council's awarding of more than $2.8 million of contracts to consultants. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'Refugees told they're not welcome in NZ...' The cartoon shows a boat full of refugees, which has tattered sails, one bearing the words 'We need a home'. A helicopter flies by and someone says 'False alarm! They're Christchurch residents trying to get out!' Context - A boat full of Sri Lanken Tamils supposedly want to come to New Zealand as refugees has been told by Prime Minister John Key that they are 'not welcome'. The pm has been accused of 'scaremongering' and that he 'has misjudged his response'. (Nelson Mail 13 July 2011). Also a reference to the plight of many people in Christchurch whose houses have been condemned by the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A female bartender chats with a customer as she pours his beer. She asks him about his jersey, saying 'That's not one of those expensive Adidas jerseys is it?' and he replies 'No - it's a Christchurch "After the quake" jersey!' The jersey has on the front three rectangular shapes that are tipping over. Context: Adidas has been at the centre of a jersey-pricing storm since it was revealed the replica tops could be bought much cheaper overseas. The jersey had been listed for sale at $US79.99 ($NZ92.68) on the US website worldrugbyshop.com and could also be found cheaper on British websites. It was retailing for $220 in New Zealand, but retailers have dropped the price as the debate has raged. Adidas has refused to drop the wholesale price. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
The 11 frame cartoon strip tells a story about planning for a new Christchurch city post-earthquake. After filling the plan with every possible thing he can think of the planner puts the artist in an empty corner and the whole thing is delivered into a black hole that represents 'The real world'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Cartoons about political and social issues in New Zealand and overseas. The cartoon has the words 'Tsunami Warning cancelled' in the centre. Above are the words 'The end is nigh... insurance running out! No more cover!' Below the word 'cancelled' are the words 'We have reinsurance!' Context - Civil Defence has cancelled a tsunami warning after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the Kermadec Islands this morning (7 July 2011) The tsunami image is used to illustrate the problems that could arise from lack of insurance in Christchurch. When their policies run out on 30 June Earthquake-hit Christchurch and Waimakariri councils are in danger of having no property insurance because as the CEO of Civic Assurance, which insures most councils, says, 'the company cannot buy reinsurance'. There was also a potential problem for home-owners when AMI Insurance, the largest insurer of homes in Christchurch, was threatening insolvency. However, AMI has announced that it has re-insurance cover for earthquakes and other natural disasters from tomorrow (1 July 2011) for the next year. The Government feared AMI Insurance's directors would wind up the company affecting a huge section of New Zealand's insurance market and derail the reconstruction of Christchurch, official documents confirm. AMI said it had doubled its cover for the year to June 2012 after three large quakes in the year to June 2011. (Stuff 30 June 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'New Chch subdivision?...' The cartoon shows a very snowy scene with several igloos; The subdivision is called 'Igloo Park' and the sign says 'Polar packages available'. Context: Christchurch, after being battered by the February 22 earthquake, the June 13 aftershock and last month's snowstorm have had another week of snow. The cartoon suggests that new subdivisions, necessary because of the earthquakes, could be filled with igloos. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A truck carries a house to a new position and the family in the house wonder if they 'can stay on the truck permanently'. Context - Continuing housing problems in Christchurch following the earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and February 22 and June 13 2011. Many aftershocks are still happening and the ground is unstable in many places. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A tall building sways and groans, creaks and rumbles during an earthquake. Someone from inside at the top of the building says 'Earthquake? No... This is an extreme adventure activity that you'll be billed for later!' Context - The earthquakes in Christchurch and the Canterbury region. The three major ones were on 4th September 2010, 22 February 2011 and 13 June 2011 and there have been hundreds of aftershocks. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'Uses for Christchurch rubble?...' The cartoon shows a bridge made partially of earthquake rubble leading from Lyttelton Harbour to Diamond Harbour on Banks Peninsula. Someone in a van says 'At long last... A bridge to Diamond Harbour!' And someone else says 'And somewhere to fish!' Context - Rubble from the earthquake may be used for the construction of watersides and bridges. This cartoon is a fanciful use for Christchurch earthquake rubble. Currently a ferry connects Diamond Harbour to Lyttelton, on the harbour's northern shore. In combination with buses from Lyttelton to downtown Christchurch, this allows residents of Diamond Bay to commute to the city. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A television announcer sits at his desk reading the news. He says 'The shake which lasted 75 minutes and caused widespread damage in living rooms all over the country measured 5.18 on the rugby scale and was centred on Port Elizabeth in South Africa'. Context: The All Blacks lost to the Springboks 5-18 in a tri-nations test match in South Africa only a few days before the World Cup kick-off. Fans have been warned not to panic. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Text across the top reads 'Wearing burqas and veils could limit job prospects...' The cartoon shows a crowd of people hidden under a huge burqa-like cloth. A man peers from both ends of the crowd and one of them says 'Well, we work behind a veil and STILL have jobs... And so do all our mates!' The man at the other end gives a cheerful thumbs up. There is a great deal of whispering about 'jobs for the...' and 'split contracts'. Above is a notice that reads 'Council job contract meeting'. Context - Complaints have been laid with the Auditor-General's Office about the Christchurch City Council's handling of consultants' contracts (to do with the rebuilding of the city after the earthquakes). City councillors have been questioning the council's awarding of more than $2.8 million of contracts to consultants. The burqa has been in the news lately with bus-drivers refusing to accept women in burqas on their buses. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Page 6 of Section C of the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 25 June 2011.
Page 1 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 17 May 2011.
Page 6 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 14 June 2011.
Page 16 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 3 September 2011.
Page 5 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Wednesday 31 August 2011.
Page 2 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 30 August 2011.
One limited edition poster with tube and information sheet. The poster has initial letters of the cities of New Zealand arranged to form an outline of the country. All are printed in black, except the 'C' of Christchurch which stands out in red. "United We Stand, 22 Feb 2011, 12.51pm" is printed in black. Poster commemorates the 2011 Christchurc...
One book titled "Earthquake, Christchurch New Zealand 22 February 2011" with text by Chris Moore and Press journalists and images by Press and Fairfax photographers; colour illustrations; published by A Random House New Zealand, Auckland, 2011; accompanying DVD. The sombre tone of this book and DVD reflects the attitudes of the greater Christch...
One blue softcover children’s book titled 'The Butterfly and the Earthquake' with text by Carol McKeever and colour illustrations by Ned Barraud. Carol McKeever wrote this children’s book after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch to help children cope with the traumatic experience of an earthquake. ‘The Butterfly and the Earthquake’...
One black hardcover book with a multi-coloured dust jacket depicting men in uniform amongst rubble entitled 'Christchurch 22.2: Beyond the Cordon' containing colour photographs by the New Zealand Police following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The severe damage to Christchurch’s central city caused by the 22 February 2011 earthquake is unique...
One blue soft cover children’s book titled 'Quaky Cat' with text by Diana Noonan and colour illustrations by Gavin Bishop. The earthquakes and accompanying aftershocks in Canterbury proved to be a very frightening experience, especially for children. This book was written in response to the 4 September 2010 earthquake to help children understan...
One Space Cannon VH Ireos 7000 search light with pan and tilt ability and 7000 watt Xenon lamp. Reading on hour meter 02954.75 hours. One of the White Lights of Hope used as a symbol of support for Christchurch following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The White Lights of Hope lit up the skies of Christchurch every night from 4 September 2011 ...
One improvised toilet comprised of a wooden frame with a white plastic toilet seat and lid attached with screws and tape; underneath is a red Lifestyle brand 9.6 litre plastic bucket. Example of the portable toilet designed to be distributed by the Christchurch City Council following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. One common problem experienc...