20120805_7586_1D3-600 30 seconds later the dust drifts across the city. Following the demolition of the earthquake damaged Newstalk ZB building. #2649
8 Velsheda Street, Bexley, Christchurch, across the road from my house was demolished a week or so ago, just one of many demolitions of Red Zone properties at the moment. This house was about ten years old and suffered land damage during the 4th September 2010 and 22nd February 2011 earthquakes. The same fate awaits my house later in the year o...
This apartment building was across the street from our old flat. Now it's an empty lot.
This is what my lunch looked like after spending a month in my office, post-quake. The banana had liquefied in its skin but there wasn't any mould or anything else. The banana absolutely reeked, though; I ended up tossing everything that had been in the lunch box.
Convent of the Sacred Name, Barbadoes St, Christchurch.
Best View - Press "L". After 36 million liters of water mysteriously disappeared from this reservoir on Huntsbury Hill following the February 22nd 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch work has started on repairing it. This image shows just how large the tank is with a work-truck parked inside it. See Video of TV3 News item:
Barbadoes St.
The old (or is that the new) Inland Revenue Department (IRD) building on the corner of Madras and Cashel Streets in central Christchurch. Built in 2006/07 on the site of the former Farmers department store (itself badly damaged by fire), it was just a few years old when the earthquake of February 2011 struck, and subsequent quakes (all through 2...
The Mack tractor unit with "half a house" ready to depart in the middle of the night, when the roads are quiet. But where is this house heading too?
Much of the CBD is still cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake. This photo clearly shows the extent of the lean that the Hotel Grand Chancellor is now on. Apparently it is out by 1m at the top leaning east. Demolition will start about mid June and is expec...
Christchurch's CBD as seen from the Cashmere hills, south of the city. Much of the CBD is still cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake.
Taken during a scenic flight over Christchurch, New Zealand, 3 months after the deadly earthquake of 22 February, 2011. Much of the inner city CBD is still cordoned off and will be for some time. About 900 buildings are set for demolition. Taken aboard the Southern DC3
Pre Earthquake
Church of St. John the Baptist, Latimer Square, Christchurch, New Zealand
Part of the container wall to stop rock falls on Main Road, Sumner.
Revisiting some of my images coming up to our one year anniversary of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch 6.3 earthquake.
Earthquake damage at the Arts Centre, Christchurch
As it was left on 22nd Feb.
Cathedral Square walkway, Saturday 26 November.
There is some beauty in the desolate and near empty Dallington Red Zone.
The damaged (and once iconic Christchurch Cathedral) waits it's fate (repaired or demolish/rebuild) with the Millenium hotel in background.