The USAR [Urban Search and Rescue] Teams wrote their findings on the doors when they finished their search of a building. This building was cleared by a team from Queensland, Australia on 27 February 2011.
Exactly 2½ years (27/02/11 - 27/08/13) since the Queensland (Australia) SAR team TF1 spray painted this on a concrete fence in Armagh Street. Not many of these signs left now as many buildings have been demolished.
Madras Street. Built 1903 by Alfred William Fielder. The handsome facade is visible here: www.historic.org.nz/TheRegister/RegisterSearch/RegisterRe...
Now empty and soon to be demolished - sadly for the family and all the customers. Fortunately all plant and stock saved and the search to go on for another suitable space
Manchester Street looking north-ish, towards the intersection with Armagh Street.
A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |
A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |
A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |