The USAR [Urban Search and Rescue] Teams wrote their findings on the doors when they finished their search of a building. This building was cleared by a team from Queensland, Australia on 27 February 2011.
one of Christchurch's abandoned suburbs. The land moved - bricks and block walls everywhere collapsed - two multi story buildings folded - 184 people died. Wooden framed houses largely stayed up, many concrete slabs cracked, power poles leaned in liquid ground, surface bubbled, services ruptured .... damage to the cbd still gets the most cover...
Another empty Red Zone section. Avonside Drive, Dallington.
There is some beauty in the desolate and near empty Dallington Red Zone.
Moving from the Bexley "Red Zone" to?
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Being prepared for removal. Is in red zone so has to go.d The house had minimal damage, but the land it was on was deemed to be no good - red zoned.
In the suburban red zone on Avonside Drive.
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Christchurch CBD New Zealand 31 August 2011
Growing in a red zone vacant section in Wetlands Grove, Pacific Park.
A house, one of the few still remaining in the Dallington Red Zone (Avonside Drive, Dallington). The area is "red zoned" due to land damage from earthquakes (mainly the February 22nd 2011 6.4 magnitude quake).
All red zoned and it looked like no one is living anywhere in Culver Place. All awaiting demolition.
The permanent closure (to motor vehicles) of the Bexley red zone streets has started. This was once the main south-north route just west of the Avon River in the New Brighton area, till an expressway (ring road) was built about 80m to the west (right) about 12-13 years ago. Then it became just another suburban street, but now all the houses ...
Two relatively new town houses in the Bexley "Red Zone". Awaiting demolition due to severe land problems. Have been vandalised.
Another salvaged house from the Bexley (Pacific Park) red zone is on the truck and may start it's journey to a new location overnight.
Water from the river at high tide crosses Evans Avenue and enters a now abandoned "red zone" house via the garage. Next door (to the left) is the garage containing a car that was destroyed by fire last week (see earlier photos).
The distinctive red brick Piko Wholefoods seems to have survived. That building dates from 1905 and was originally a painter and paperhanger's premises.
Football turf has now gone and the area fenced off again.