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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Another hole has appeared in the street where a building has been demolished. Selwyn Dealers next door sensibly moved all their stock away from the adjoining wall just in case.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The center of the river has slumped and the two banks have moved about a meter closer together which caused this footbridge to be so twisted. There is a suggestion that this be left as a memorial to the earthquake.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The center of the river has slumped and the two banks have moved about a meter closer together which caused this footbridge to be so twisted. There is a suggestion that this be left as a memorial to the earthquake.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Here's Prarie, outside our flat, the day after the 7.1 earthquake hit Christchurch. You see the damage to the street, which continued through our flat. We were forced to move out once an engineer examined the cracks in our balcony, walls, floors, and ceilings, and told us the building was unsafe for living. One crack ran from the street, pres...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

one of Christchurch's abandoned suburbs. The land moved - bricks and block walls everywhere collapsed - two multi story buildings folded - 184 people died. Wooden framed houses largely stayed up, many concrete slabs cracked, power poles leaned in liquid ground, surface bubbled, services ruptured .... damage to the cbd still gets the most cover...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. Angus Donaldson copy service. This has moved down the road on Colombo Street. It is now sharing the premises with Penny Lane Records. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the qu...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

20120321_2397_1D3-47 Beachcomber Dairy Corner of New Brighton Road and Rawson Street, New Brighton. This diary is inside the suburban red zone and will probably be demolished some time in the future. See how the earthquakes have moved the footpath - the post and phone box used to stand straight! This is one of the Teleccom Wi-Fi hotspot boo...