You can see the movement of the curb and drop of land
The result of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake at 4.35am on September 4th 2010. The ballustrade of these buildings collapsed onto the Victorian veranda crushing it. Taken 20 days after the quake. Colombo Street in Sydenham, Christchurch - looking towards the City Centre.
20100905_3336_1D3-24 Ground movement Pacific Park - Christchurch earthquake A house in Pacific Park (Bexley) that borders the Bexley Wetlands. Land moved towards the wetlands and the closer to wetlands the more severe the damage.
The result of the magnitude 7.1 Christchurch earthquake at 4.35am on September 4th 2010. Taken from Dallington Terrace looking towards Avonside Drive. This pumping station used to be level. When the tide is in that flax bush on the bend appears to be growing from the middle of the river, suggesting the land has slumped about a meter.
Wairoa Street Another web site used this image (with a link to this Flickr page), so the view count sky rocketed. CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority)/Tonkin & Taylor also used this image on page 13 of a Land Damage presentation on 23/06/11. This was also released as a PDF. A few months later a friend emailed me the report (for...