A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |
A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |
A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |
This is the pedestrian bridge in Kaiapoi close to Christchurch. Not the best angle but the whole bridge on the right hand side is twisted and looks like some kind of rollercoaster. Taken one month after the Quake Twitter |
A Simple shot down the street where the shops are now marked for demolition. Twitter | Facebook | My Website |
There are quite a few signs like this around Christchurch after the Quake. This is one of them. Off shot to the right is a leveled patch of ground where the owners furniture restoration shop used to be. Twitter |
One Month after the Christchurch Earthquake. The mangled remains of the pedestrian bridge over the river Avon Twitter | Facebook | My ...
One Month after the Christchurch Earthquake. A view in Sydenham suburb - Columbo St Twitter | Facebook | My Website |
Selective colour full size view from one of my previous shots. Edgeware Road, Christchurch. Damaged from the Christchurch Earthquake Twitter | Facebook |
One Month after the Christchurch Earthquake. This is in Kaiapoi at the north end of Christchurch. A view down the walkway next to the river Twitter | Facebook |
A corner shop in Sydenham - a Suburb of Christchurch. Front walls are all missing Twitter | Facebook | My Website |
The twisted and buckled bridge over the river. View looking down the bridge. Damaged from the Christchurch Earthquake Twitter | Facebook |
One Month after the Christchurch Earthquake. The mangled remains of the pedestrian bridge over the river Avon Twitter | Facebook | My ...
One Month after the Christchurch Earthquake. The remains of a Church in St albans, Edgeware Rd Twitter | Facebook | My Website | <...
Image featured in The Press 8 September 2010 for FMG.
Note the innovative use of hay bales on the left side of the image.
Revisiting some of my images coming up to our one year anniversary of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch 6.3 earthquake.
Revisiting some of my images coming up to our one year anniversary of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch 6.3 earthquake.
Showing Ruben Blades (top-right section of image) on the corner of Lichfield and Manchester Streets after the 6.3 quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011 and the building being demolished along with many others. This image also shows the remains of the very heavy snow fall we had on Monday 25 July 2011. The centre of the city is still cordoned o...
The Christchurch Cathedral Square showing the Anglican Cathedral after loosing its tower and spire after the 6.3 quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. This image also shows the remains of the very heavy snow fall we had on Monday 25 July 2011. The centre of the city is still cordoned off. This image was taken from a helicopter flight over the...
The Christchurch Cathedral after loosing its tower and spire after the 6.3 quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. This image shows the centre of the city still cordoned off. I took this image on Good Friday, Easter weekend, as the sun rose to shine over the city giving a feeling of hope and resurrection of Christchurch to come in...
Demolition continues on the old Beckenham shops after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch on the 4th September 2010. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Took this image in HDR and processed in PhotoMatix and PaintShop Pro 8. Below are two other images of the shops one soon after the earthquake and the other sever...
Wairoa Street Another web site used this image (with a link to this Flickr page), so the view count sky rocketed. CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority)/Tonkin & Taylor also used this image on page 13 of a Land Damage presentation on 23/06/11. This was also released as a PDF. A few months later a friend emailed me the report (for...
Havent really posted any of my images of the quake damage was taking a look through tonight and came across this which i quite enjoyed.
The Old Lyttelton Post Office, opened in 1874, showing damage after a series of earthquakes hit Christchurch and Lyttelton over the last 9 months. Processed to capture the "feel" of the sign "Now and Forever Images".
Revisiting some of my images coming up to our one year anniversary of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch 6.3 earthquake. Blue Jean Cuisine (Old Sydenham Post Office) built in 1911 was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquakes was demolished 2012.
Light Relief: We are flushed with too many puns about this image! However you know your sewers are in trouble when the liquefaction comes up through the pipes! Taken after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011.
73 months after the earthquake that damaged it, the jetty at South New Brighton Domain is still not repaired. Seven years ago it was straight and level. Dull, flat and orrible (horrible) light meant this image was destined to become monochrome!
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch. Corner of Colombo and Byron Streets. Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time. Image featured on: www.lakewanaka.co.nz/new-zealand/Take-a-break-f...
The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Christcurch, after the 6.3 magnitude quake on 22 February 2011. The dome has now been taken down (and is on the ground on the right side of this image) and you can see the orange and green of the workmen's hi-vis in the tower section.