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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Today is the anniversary of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Canterbury on 4 September 2010, and two lights - The White Lights of Hope - were turned on this evening from the square to help fill the city's "dark heart" and remind residents to look forward to a bright future. Note: While I was capturing this image we had a ...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Kia Kaha (in the little red love-heart on the fence) can be translated from the Maori language as “Be strong and fearless!” “Be Proud!” or “Stand tall!” The term is used in many situations to give encouragement and support to family, friends and mates. Taken one week after the 6.3 magnitude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. Proce...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Today is the anniversary of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Canterbury on 4 September 2010, and two lights - The White Lights of Hope - were turned on this evening from the square to help fill the city's "dark heart" and remind residents to look forward to a bright future. Note: While I was capturing this image we had a ...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Today (04/09/14) marks the fourth anniversary since the first earthquake rocked the city and greater Christchurch area. That first quake was magnitude 7.1, and luckily there was only one fatality (possible a heart attack). Since then we have had over 14,000 quakes, most very small in magnitude, but well over 500 of magnitude 4 or greater. 5...