File reference: CCL-2012-02-19-IMG_0262 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Revisiting some of my images coming up to our one year anniversary of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch 6.3 earthquake. Blue Jean Cuisine (Old Sydenham Post Office) built in 1911 was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquakes was demolished 2012.
The Old Lyttelton Post Office, opened in 1874, showing damage after a series of earthquakes hit Christchurch and Lyttelton over the last 9 months. In the shadow of a broken house, Down a deserted street, Propt walls, cold hearths, and phantom stairs, And the silence of dead feet — Locked wildly in one another's arms I saw two lovers meet. ...
The Old Lyttelton Post Office, opened in 1874, showing damage after a series of earthquakes hit Christchurch and Lyttelton over the last 9 months. Processed to capture the "feel" of the sign "Now and Forever Images".