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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The obligatory earthquake damage shot. Taken on Ilford Pan F+ with a Yashica-Mat 124G, developed in ID-11 for 8.5 minutes, printed on Ilford Multigrade IV RC, print developed in Ilford Universal PQ.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Cleaning up Manning Signs of the silt from liquefaction. Three fellow workers man the shovels while two building engineers talk to the boss (hidden). After doing the car park we then turned our hands to the inside of the factory, once clearance was given that we could go inside.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

20130125_1749_1D3-400 Road Closed 1 The Lyttelton side of Evans Pass is closed (since the earthquake 23 months ago - 22/02/11). Prior to the road tunnel (through the Port Hills) opening in the early 1960s this was the main access road to the port of Lyttelton. #3072