Following Feb 22nd 2011 6.3 shake this building is no more.
When I lived in Christchurch back in 2004-2005, this was a building I went past on the bus every day to get to and from work in the city. After the big quake on 04/09/10 (7.1 magnitude), its been seriously damaged. As have many more of the shops in this area. Thankfully no lives were lost in the quake, and I'm glad I wasnt there to feel it eith...
The former Government Life building in Christchurch's Cathedral Square will be demolished. On my walk around the city May 21, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand. www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/christch...
Due to earthquake damage.
The same view as the previous photo. Building demolished after the earthquake of 2011!
Strange sign when the building it refers to is no longer there. Earthquake damage.
This corner building ( Askos)has been demolished and the ones attached soon to ne
This is in Madras St, The CTV building ws on the right far corner
One of the most beautiful pieces of wall art (added to the blank walls after buildings were demolished following the earthquakes) in Christchurch, is now being hidden by a new building in front of it. www.flickr.com/photos/johnstewartnz/15499321681/in/...
20120805_7441_1D3-600 Newstalk ZB building starting to go down 06 #2642
Monavale, a publicly owned heritage building and gardens - can't see it surviving this one.
View of The Press building, taken from the roof of the Warners Novotel, Cathedral Square.
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
Timber Mill being condemed.
PGC - Pyne Gould Corporation building; photo taken from the roof of the Warners Novotel, Cathedral Square.
The Greek Souvlaki place was closed for several months while the building next door got demolished.
After the demolition - ex-Thom Autoglass building south-east corner St Asaph St and Barbadoes Street
Up to $100,000 worth of antiques lost in this building which is to come down
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
The Cranmer Court demolition started today in Christchurch. The 1876 building was originally a Normal School and was in a derelict state in the early 1980s when it was rescued and converted into apartments. The heritage-listed building was red-stickered after the February 2011 earthquake.
Verandah roof of former Central Library on left. Rubble is from the former Farmers building and carpark.
Closed due to earthquake damage. But it looks in better condition than the building I work in!
Same view as a previous shot - taken in January 2011 after the block of buildings was demolished.
Nothing wrong with this carpark building; that's just a mural on one of the structural shear walls.
Christchurch Earthquake 4th Sept 2010. Old Para Rubber building - Manchester St (between Tuam and St Asaph)
The old (or is that the new) Inland Revenue Department (IRD) building on the corner of Madras and Cashel Streets in central Christchurch. Built in 2006/07 on the site of the former Farmers department store (itself badly damaged by fire), it was just a few years old when the earthquake of February 2011 struck, and subsequent quakes (all through 2...
Awaiting the demolition ball! See the hole punched in by the neighbouring building (now demolished) during the February 22 2011 earthquake. This building is leaning to the north (left) while it's now demolished neighbour was leaning to the south (right). All because the crap land gave way underneath!