The old Robertson's Bakery building, Victoria Street, Christchurch
Robert Jones Building - corner of Colombo & Armagh Street
Corner of Cashel and Madras streets, with the relatively new (built 2007) Inland Revenue Building and the white chair memorial to the 185 lives lost as a result of the 22/02/11 earthquake. The chairs sit on the site of the now demolished St Pauls Pacific Chuch and is diagonally across the intersection from the CTV (Canterbury TV) building where ...
The USAR [Urban Search and Rescue] Teams wrote their findings on the doors when they finished their search of a building. This building was cleared by a team from Queensland, Australia on 27 February 2011.
Red stickered building means no access, and the building may be condemned if it cannot be repaired; aftermath of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that hit Christchurch on 4 September 2010.
Yellow stickered building means restricted access, and the building will need to be repaired and certified fit for use; aftermath of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that hit Christchurch on 4 September 2010.
Revealed after the SoulFood Cafe building was demolished
Revealed after the SoulFood Cafe building was demolished
Scavenger Hunt 101 - SH 8 (abandoned building or ruin) The ruins/remains of what was the third highest building in Christchurch, pre earthquakes, the Price Waterhouse Coopers building in Armagh Street. At 76.3 metres ( 21 floors) the demolition has left the basement (now flooded) and these supports. Just one of many photos from Christchurch ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPXqb7k4azU Details inside a half demolished theatre in central Christchurch. November, 2012. Christchurch, NZ. (c)Mike Brebner. All rights reserved.
Looked like a nice stereo they had.
The earthquake re-pair work has started on the Knox Church on Bealey Avenue, August 14, 2013 Christchurch New Zealand. While building after building is torn down in Christchurch, plans are in place to ensure as much of a 131-year-old church is retained as possible. Knox Church on Bealey Avenue suffered major damage in the February 22 earthquak...
The old Robertson's Bakery building, Victoria Street, Christchurch - back view
The old Robertson's Bakery building, Victoria Street, Christchurch - back view
Canterbury Provincial Council and Supreme Court Buildings, Durham Street North.
Canterbury Provincial Council and Supreme Court Buildings, Durham Street North.
2nd building in has been demolished and site cleared
The sign reads: The CTV Building was headquarters of Canterbury Television (CTV) and also housed King’s Education language School, a medical clinic, Hair Consultants, Relationship Services and a nursing school. On February 22nd 2011 the building collapsed as a result of a major earthquake. Sadly, 115 people who were in the building lost their l...
External stairs on the Forsyth Barr building in Christchurch. Portions of the internal stairwell collapsed during the earthquake of February 22nd 2011, necessitating use of various means of getting people out of the building. Was the fourth highest building in the city pre earthquakes, but it's future is uncertain. Was for sale "as is, where ...
More well known as the Government Life building - too be demolished.
On the Govt. Life building in the Square ready for demolition
This building has beautiful iron ventilation grates at the street level.
Demolition of Robertson's Bakery building, Victoria Street, Christchurch. The Chandelier rescue ... Walking into work I saw the building I always wanted to buy (and run as a bookshop, perfumery, shoe shop) - the old Robertson's Bakery getting demolished. But the bigass digger gently reached into the wreckage and saved this chandelier, bringing...
Christchurch's old central city police station building will now be demolished on Sunday by implosion. Another one of Christchurch recognisable buildings to be given a death sentence following the earthquakes of 2010/2011. Photo by Geoff Trotter at www.dreamdreams.co.nz
Timber Mill being condemed.
As seen from Hereford St over the demolition of the corner buildings.
Scavenger Hunt 101 - SH 52 (graffiti) Graffiti (or wall art) on the now visible side of a building in central Christchurch. There are still about 100 major buildings to be demolished in the city post the earthquakes.
Where once were buildings! From the corner of Armagh Street and Oxford Terrace.
The basement of the "Price Waterhouse" building after demolition after the Christchurch earthquakes...