8 Velsheda Street, Bexley, Christchurch, across the road from my house was demolished a week or so ago, just one of many demolitions of Red Zone properties at the moment. This house was about ten years old and suffered land damage during the 4th September 2010 and 22nd February 2011 earthquakes. The same fate awaits my house later in the year o...
Awaiting demolition. Blue pipes are water supply to anyone still living on Hulverstone Drive.
Across the river were a row of several houses - all gone now. That side of the river is "Red Zone" and will be devoid of houses soon. #4077
Got to admire someone taking a lovely red sports car out on our roads at present. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-17-St Albans-IMG_0374 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
An impressive Cabbage Tree (Cordyline australis) that was in someone's back yard prior to the demolition of houses post the 2011 earthquake.
A Phoenis Palm (Phoenix canariensis) that was in someone's back yard prior to the demolition of houses post the 2011 earthquake.
A red-zone house just a few down the road from where we used to live in Velsheda Street, with bricks (brick veneer?) off and lifted prior to transporting away.
Red stickered building means no access, and the building may be condemned if it cannot be repaired; aftermath of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that hit Christchurch on 4 September 2010.
Red stickered door means that this pub on Madras Street is no-go due to structural damage suffered in the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that hit Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.
This beautiful building on Madras Street is red stickered and may be condemned if the structural damage it suffered in the magnitude 7,1 earthquake on Saturday 4 September 2010 cannot be repaired.
This beautiful building on Madras Street is red stickered and may be condemned if the structural damage it suffered in the magnitude 7,1 earthquake on Saturday 4 September 2010 cannot be repaired.
This beautiful building on Madras Street is red stickered and may be condemned if the structural damage it suffered in the magnitude 7,1 earthquake on Saturday 4 September 2010 cannot be repaired.
In what used to be sections with houses and yards. Between late 2011 and 2014 the houses (well 95% of them) were removed due to land dropping in the 2011 earthquakes and the proximity of the Avon River, tidal in this area.
All this is "red zone" after the earthquakes and has to be demolished. The roof of my "old" house (now owned by the government) can be seen between the third and fourth river-side houses.
Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-09-DSC02063
20120321_2397_1D3-47 Beachcomber Dairy Corner of New Brighton Road and Rawson Street, New Brighton. This diary is inside the suburban red zone and will probably be demolished some time in the future. See how the earthquakes have moved the footpath - the post and phone box used to stand straight! This is one of the Teleccom Wi-Fi hotspot boo...
Low tide on the Avon River at New Brighton/Bexley. Note the original bank and the rock wall slipage on right. The white additions were added in March and April 2011 to protect the properties behind from flooding. Ultimately this area was "red zoned" with all houses removed or to be removed and the ground left till a rehabilitation method can ...
The seismic survey truck T-Rex (from University of Texas) was in Bexley and Pacific Park a few days ago and may have left this calling card on the front lawn of my old "red zone" house. Obviously the geotechs will know what it means.
The Cranmer Court demolition started today in Christchurch. The 1876 building was originally a Normal School and was in a derelict state in the early 1980s when it was rescued and converted into apartments. The heritage-listed building was red-stickered after the February 2011 earthquake.
The area beside the lower Avon River in New Brighton of Evans Avenue and Admirals Way has been cleared of houses and boundary fences (there were between 15 and 20 houses on this block) , fully fenced with post and wire and "spray on" grass applied. These were all red zone properties acquired by the crown after the land was deemed too damaged t...
RWTU3388135 (ex Triton TTNU3388135) about to be placed on the ground outside my "Red Zone" house. This is the second container, the first is away in storage with 95% of the house hold stuff. This one is for the hobby (no, not photography gear) and garage stuff.
Much of the CBD will be cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) for quite some time as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake.
Much of the CBD will be cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) for quite some time as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake.
20140927_2219_1D3-24 Planting natives at Harold Henry Park A planting of native bushes and trees in the old children's playground area in Bexley, Organised by the Facebook group Avon River Park and assisted by ex Bexley residents. This is right in the middle of the Bexley red zone with most houses removed or demolished now.
For Best View Press"L" All 23 Arts Centre heritage buildings received significant damage in the earthquake and its subsequent aftershocks, and all have been issued with a red “Unsafe” placard. As a result of the magnitude of this damage, the Arts Centre Trust Board— the body charged with ensuring this iconic precinct is preserved and pr...
20140521_1080_1D3-24 It has started! Removal of the double-glazed windows is underway at my "red zone" house, now owned by the Government of New Zealand. Sold to CERA (the government agency) in October 2012 and has remained empty since, despite having little damage, apart from the tilt to the front from the land damage that occurred during the...
There are occasional sewerage spills into the Avon River while all the sewer and road repairs are carried out. This rock wall was level and well above high tide level prior to the eathquakes. All the houses that can been seen here (except for those on the distant Port Hills) are in the suburban "red zone" and are still to be demolished.
Kia Kaha (in the little red love-heart on the fence) can be translated from the Maori language as “Be strong and fearless!” “Be Proud!” or “Stand tall!” The term is used in many situations to give encouragement and support to family, friends and mates. Taken one week after the 6.3 magnitude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. Proce...