Knox Church Rebuild/ repair on a walk around the neighbourhood May 17, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand.
Exactly 2½ years (27/02/11 - 27/08/13) since the Queensland (Australia) SAR team TF1 spray painted this on a concrete fence in Armagh Street. Not many of these signs left now as many buildings have been demolished.
Efforts are being made to shore up and strengthen this building (corner of Hereford Street / Manchester Street) to save it from demolition after it suffered structural damage in the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of The New Zealand Army, along with Police, minding the cordons. This was beside The Press building, and behind the Christchurch Cathedral. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
Efforts are being made to shore up and strengthen this building (corner of Hereford Street / Manchester Street) to save it from demolition after it suffered structural damage in the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch. Colombo Street South. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch. Colombo Street North. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch. Montreal Street north. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.
Pigeons sit on the remains of one of the tallest buildings in Christchurch that was 95% demolished two or three years ago. The basement (now filled with water) and the columns remain. Demolished due to damage from the Christchurch 2011 earthquake.
Steel frames are being used to shore the unstable facade of the St John the Baptist Church at Latimer Square while the building is being repaired and strengthened following the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Christchurch on Saturday 4 September 2010.
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch 04 September 2010. Victoria Street. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.
Falling gable of the Anglican Community of the Sacred Name building left a gaping hole in the roof in the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that hit Christchurch on 4 September 2010. The chimney would have toppled as well had it not been braced.
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at 4:35 am on September 4, 2010 here in Christchurch. There was damage and destruction to buildings but no loss of life. Five months later (22nd Feb, 2011) the city was struck by another quake. This time we weren't so lucky. 185 people lost their lives. Many people lost homes and businesses. The central b...
Merrivale Mall continues after the massive aftershock sustained by Christchurch on 22nd February 2011.
Fitzgerald Ave
On a walk around the neighbourhood, December 3, 2013, Christchurch New Zealand. www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/christchurch-life/avenues/featu...
Knox Church earthquake repair/rebuild on a walk around Christchurch December 11, 2013 New Zealand. www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/christchurch-earthquake-20... All about our ear...
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
Victoria Apartments demolition is under way on a walk around the city to find out what is happening in the city. Feb 17, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand. "soft-stripped", which means that any remaining belongings will be removed, as well as furnishings and internal walls.
This is the Summit Road below Mt Cavendish and shows a few remaining high buildings in the central city beyond (in setting sun). Just above centre is the doomed AMI Stadium (1) aka Lancaster Park, home to Canterbury cricket and rugby till the erathquakes.
The result of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake at 4.35am on September 4th 2010. The ballustrade of these buildings collapsed onto the Victorian veranda crushing it. Taken 20 days after the quake. Colombo Street in Sydenham, Christchurch - looking towards the City Centre.
The Avon River loop around Porritt Park has risen with the quake. Huge cracks are all through Porritt Park (rowing, hockey and cricket venue). The main section of the river is in a man made cut behind the buildings in the background of this pic.
St Marys Church
Here's Prarie, outside our flat, the day after the 7.1 earthquake hit Christchurch. You see the damage to the street, which continued through our flat. We were forced to move out once an engineer examined the cracks in our balcony, walls, floors, and ceilings, and told us the building was unsafe for living. One crack ran from the street, pres...
one of Christchurch's abandoned suburbs. The land moved - bricks and block walls everywhere collapsed - two multi story buildings folded - 184 people died. Wooden framed houses largely stayed up, many concrete slabs cracked, power poles leaned in liquid ground, surface bubbled, services ruptured .... damage to the cbd still gets the most cover...
St Marys Church
Working at getting things out of the Victoria Square before it is demolished. www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/christchurch-earthquake-20... What I found on my walk around the city January 15, 2014 Ch...
After my visit at the hospital for physiotherapy on my hand I took a walk around the city on my way home. Demolition of the Victoria Square apartments February 12, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand. www.s...
What I found on a walk around the city Christchurch November 20, 2013 New Zealand. www.isaactheatreroyal.co.nz/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Christchurch_earthquake
Cleaning up Manning Signs of the silt from liquefaction. Three fellow workers man the shovels while two building engineers talk to the boss (hidden). After doing the car park we then turned our hands to the inside of the factory, once clearance was given that we could go inside.