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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Liquefaction erupted throughout the city during each of the major earthquakes. It had to be cleared and everyone piled it onto the roadside, where it was eventually picked up by City Council trucks. The fine dust permeated the air for weeks, driving many to wear dust masks while outside.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Liquefaction erupted throughout the city during each of the major earthquakes. It had to be cleared and everyone piled it onto the roadside, where it was eventually picked up by City Council trucks. The fine dust permeated the air for weeks, driving many to wear dust masks while outside.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

This is what my lunch looked like after spending a month in my office, post-quake. The banana had liquefied in its skin but there wasn't any mould or anything else. The banana absolutely reeked, though; I ended up tossing everything that had been in the lunch box.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Nice to see the Cabbage Tree is still standing! View On Black Demolition continues on the old Beckenham shops after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch on the 4th September 2010. This view is looking from the car park out at th...