Demolition of the relatively new seven-storey Waters Edge Apartments in Ferrymead continues. CERES Environmental NZ are doing the job for CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority). Some will be pleased to see this block go as there was lot of resentment to it being built on the site of the old Ferrymead Tavern, Selected for Explore, #347...
The ticket office at Lancaster Park (AMI Stadium), not used since the February 2011 earthquake. Windows broken and door boarded up. We are still waiting to see what the outcome is for this stadium. Government want a new one closer to the CBD, so there is talk of this being demolished, while others want it repaired.
Taken as the severity of the situation began to sink in to most of the people wandering around. Police, Fire and other emergency personal showed a fantastic response to how they dealt with the situation they had.
Earthquake damaged building on a Walk around the city, May 1, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand. Demolition work on Christchurch's "distinctive" former civic building is under way. The category-2 heritage building was designed by G A J Hart and opened in 1939 as the Miller's department store. It featured the South Island's first escalator, which...
Edgeware Supervalue Supermarket being demolished after the 6.3 magnitude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. ♥An attempt to capture the movement of the wall coming down with 3 exposure and HDR processing.
Hotel Grand Chancellor on verge of collapse but still standing after the 6.3 magnitude quake hit Christchurch on 22 February 2011 because of concrete being poured into the lower floors.
This is what my lunch looked like after spending a month in my office, post-quake. The banana had liquefied in its skin but there wasn't any mould or anything else. The banana absolutely reeked, though; I ended up tossing everything that had been in the lunch box.
Broken head-stones as a result of the magnitude 6.3 quake in Christchurch - 22 February 2011. HDR process to add the "feeling" I felt at seeing this sort of damage.
This is the pedestrian bridge in Kaiapoi close to Christchurch. Not the best angle but the whole bridge on the right hand side is twisted and looks like some kind of rollercoaster. Taken one month after the Quake Twitter |
20130817_2457_1D3-400 The story of Christchurch (Day 229/365) Many roads are closed all over eastern Christchurch as infra-structure repairs are carried out, whether it be water supplies, sewer repairs (as is the case here) or general road repairs, In just over two weeks it will be three years since the first earthquake happened (4th September...
The old (or is that the new) Inland Revenue Department (IRD) building on the corner of Madras and Cashel Streets in central Christchurch. Built in 2006/07 on the site of the former Farmers department store (itself badly damaged by fire), it was just a few years old when the earthquake of February 2011 struck, and subsequent quakes (all through 2...
20160419_7732_7D2-400 The City is in Rebuild phase (110/366) A totally different view to a few years ago. Most of the tall buildings have gone and construction is underway on a lot of new buildings, View from across the Estuary in Redcliffs. A couple of days ago the government agency controlling the post-earthquake work (CERA - Canterbury Ea...
Corner of Cashel and Madras streets, with the relatively new (built 2007) Inland Revenue Building and the white chair memorial to the 185 lives lost as a result of the 22/02/11 earthquake. The chairs sit on the site of the now demolished St Pauls Pacific Chuch and is diagonally across the intersection from the CTV (Canterbury TV) building where ...
Today (04/09/14) marks the fourth anniversary since the first earthquake rocked the city and greater Christchurch area. That first quake was magnitude 7.1, and luckily there was only one fatality (possible a heart attack). Since then we have had over 14,000 quakes, most very small in magnitude, but well over 500 of magnitude 4 or greater. 5...
The Forsyth Barr building has stood silent and empty (except the occasional intruder and pigeons) since the February 2011 earthquake. It was sold "as is" and I understand that it is now going to be fitted out as a hotel. This is the building that had severe stairwell damage during the quake necessitating people being lowered via ropes etc on t...
Being prepared for removal. Is in red zone so has to go.d The house had minimal damage, but the land it was on was deemed to be no good - red zoned.
In the suburban red zone on Avonside Drive.
With the land dropping about 1metre to 1.4metres after the earthquakes, a few roads besides the Avon and Heathcote Rivers are flooded with very high tides. Extra stop banks (on right) erected after the quakes have helped, but the road is now well below high water level. New Brighton Road, just short of New Brighton. The Pages Road bridge may b...
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
See next photo
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.